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Search results for query: *

  1. geokor

    roaring penguin wont work suse 8

    I am running SuSE 8 and am trying to get this linux box to access the internet through my dsl account. My WIN98 box finds it no problem (using EnterNet300). Here is the setup: The DSL modem is connected to the internet and the other end is connected to my hub through the uplink port. My 2...
  2. geokor

    getting Netscape to use eth0 for ADSL

    OK, ray436, now it's my turn :) I am sort of new to linux and trying to setup the following: I have a computer that has 2 hard drives- one with win98 and the other with SuSE8. It is attached to a hub that has another box running SuSE 8 on it as well as a DSL modem. Now if I use win98, I can get...
  3. geokor

    Job Market for Unix Admin. Solaris 8

    I'm new here but I'm not shy. I have about 3 years IT experience BUT it's all over the board: web design (PHP, Perl CGI, XHTML, etc) some OS admin (win 2K and linux) and a lot od database admin (SQL Server, MySQL, Access) a 2 year degree, and CIW cert, corporate training (everything from Perl to...
  4. geokor

    Easy SQL Query Question

    Sorry, forgot what forum I was In! In SQL Server you could try WHERE DATEPART(d, incoming date) = target date day and DATEPART(m, incoming date) = target date month and DATEPART(yyyy, incoming date) = target date year and DATEPART(hh, incoming date) between 6 and 10 ... hour hh minute mi, n...
  5. geokor

    Easy SQL Query Question

    I think I'd prefer to seperate the date and the time. WHERE DATE = .... and time between A and B; In MySQL, for example, 20020905132800 and 020905132800 are interpreted as '2002-09-05 13:28:00' so you could easily seperate the date and time portions using string splitting functions...
  6. geokor

    setting up dial up isp

    No it didnt auto launch. I'm not sure why, but it is working now. All I did was delete the dial up listing for my new isp, and then reinstalled itl Maybe I had something mistypped. But anyways, thanks for the help! George K ...the foolishness of men! When they are learned they think they are...
  7. geokor

    setting up dial up isp

    I have just discovered mozilla (ver 1.1) and am in the process of trying to get it to work. So far Ive managed to get the email & newsgroups working but can not find where I can set up the dial up number. I'm having to use ie to dial in, then open mozilla and close ie. The help files list...
  8. geokor

    SQL Server 2000 compared to ver 7

    Thank you! This is exactly what I wanted to know - and the link is especially helpful. George K ...the foolishness of men! When they are learned they think they are wise.
  9. geokor

    SQL Server 2000 compared to ver 7

    Im new to this forum. Haven't used SQL Server for a couple of years (been working with MySQL mostly). Anyways, looks like Im going to be learning SQL Server 2000. Is there a big difference between ver 7 and 2000? I've looked at MS's site and haven't seen too much difference (not real differences...
  10. geokor

    File & Directory Copy

    Thanks Jim & tgus, I havent been on tektips for a few weeks but I'll try these ideas in the next few days and let you know. BTW tgus, do you recogonize my signature? I like yours. George K
  11. geokor

    File & Directory Copy

    Thanks Jim, yeah I know, I run Linux RH 7.2 as my home LAN server and my main box has 2 drives - win98 & SuSE 8.0. On Linux its not a big deal. But under Windoze its fun. In PHP I can use $today = getdate(); $dirc="C:\\bkp".$today['year'].$today['month'].$today['mday']...
  12. geokor

    File & Directory Copy

    I'm trying to write a short script that can run under windows (linux later) that will automate my backuping (if that's a word). I can copy a file but how do I copy a directory AND all the files it contains? Can this be done? Thanks. George K
  13. geokor

    delete copy of cookies folder

    Sorry everyone, this is running win 98 and I don't think it has any patches, updates, etc. on it. Just 98 out of the box and as is. (It has 2 hard drives, the other, and my server run Linux.) Thanks again. George K
  14. geokor

    delete copy of cookies folder

    Thanks all for your help. I tried from DOS (but not my Boot Disk... why would that make a difference?) but the problem was in the folder not the method. BTW, I was experimenting with a Perl script that could read cookies so what I did was copied the cookies folder to Cookies_original and then...
  15. geokor

    delete copy of cookies folder

    Thanks. Been there, tried that. No luck. Access denied. Funny thing though, when I use attrib to look at its attributes, there aren't any. It's not showing as a hidden or system folder. It simply wont let me delete it. George K
  16. geokor

    delete copy of cookies folder

    I made a copy of my cookies folder and even though I have renamed it and tried changing its attributes, I can not delete the copy. It denies me access. Also the system checkbox under attributes is grayed out. Is there any way to delete this folder? Thanks. George K
  17. geokor

    Can you do a comparison in a case/switch?

    ristmo2001, are you a genius or what? Your solution is great! Simple, to the point. Don't why I didn't think of it! Thanks a 1,000,000! George K
  18. geokor

    Can you do a comparison in a case/switch?

    What I want to accomplish is this: switch ($id) { case 1: blah; break; case 2: blah blah; break; case (($id > 3)&&($id < 9)): blah blah blah; break; default: sigh; break; } So if $id = 1 then blah code is executed, if $id=2 then blah blah...
  19. geokor

    why will this instance of &lt;ul&gt; &lt;li&gt; not work

    sonnysavage, in this case I'm using transitional... <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &quot;-//W3C/DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN&quot; &quot;http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd&quot;> And yes I have used the HTML validator at W3C but I usually use the one built into FirstPage (my free...
  20. geokor

    Run external program

    I am trying to build a cd based backup program in ruby. The idea is simple. I have a hard coded list of critical files I want backedup. A new backup directory is created each day using some name (e.g. Backup) along with the date and the critical files are copied to this directory. I then enter...

Part and Inventory Search
