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Search results for query: *

  1. annsolomon

    Getting started with Excel

    I'm teaching myself Excel and hope some kind soul will help me get started. I picked what I think should be a very simple starter project. I created a sheet that lists grocery prices at several neighborhood stores. I want to compare the prices and list the lowest price in a separate column...
  2. annsolomon

    Excel: Special characters in sheet name

    Thanks, Skip. I wonder why the dash is accepted but not the slash. Do you know where I can find a list of other restricted characters? By the way, I intended to collect weekly data on each sheet so 1-1-08 is a Week Ending date. Do you still think I'm off base here? Ann
  3. annsolomon

    Excel: Special characters in sheet name

    I right-clicked on the sheet tab and attempted to rename the sheet "1/1/08" (without the quotes). The slashes are not accepted. How can I use special characters in the sheet name? Ann
  4. annsolomon

    Error 2450 - Can't find form referred to in code

    Boy, is my face ever red right now! I had the strLink and strErrorCode lines in reverse order. Thanks so much for your patience and excellent advice. Ann
  5. annsolomon

    Error 2450 - Can't find form referred to in code

    Pete, here's my Locals window after completing the DoCmd.OpenForm line. strLink is still empty : strErrorCode : "0155" : String : strFormName : "frmErrorCodes" : String : strLink : "[EOB] = ''" : String Ann
  6. annsolomon

    Error 2450 - Can't find form referred to in code

    Pete, you're right about it being an apostrophe thing. My form now opens but it opens to the first record rather than to the record with the error code I input. I've played with the placement of apostrophes (which is why it took me so long to get back here) but I can't seem to make it filter...
  7. annsolomon

    Error 2450 - Can't find form referred to in code

    I have a command button that, when clicked, is supposed to open the popup form called frmErrorCodes. But I keep getting error #2450. I don't see any typos. Anyone see what I'm doing wrong? Dim strErrorCode As String Dim strFormName As String Dim strLink As String...
  8. annsolomon

    Summing one field based on the value of another field

    Boy, do I feel silly. I forgot all about using OR. I've been out of the look for almost two years and it's amazing how much I've forgotten. Thanks for your help. Ann
  9. annsolomon

    Summing one field based on the value of another field

    I want to track the balance due on our health claims. I have a TransAmt field and a TransType field (e.g., "Approved", "Denied", "Pended", "Adjusted". I only want to consider TransAmt if the TransType is "Approved" or "Adjusted"; Claims that are pended or denied still leave the full balance...
  10. annsolomon

    Report footer that totals group footer

    Thanks, Pete. I've been away from Access for a year and a half and it's horrifying how much I've forgotten. Thanks for your timely and accurate feedback. My report now works perfectly! Ann
  11. annsolomon

    Report footer that totals group footer

    I have a report based on a query that lists TransAmt and TransType (payments and denials of payment) to various health care providers. The report is grouped first on the provider then further grouped by TransType. For each provider I show a total for each TransType and a grand total for that...
  12. annsolomon

    How to code a SQL statement

    Ben gave me several pieces of helpful info and advice and I'd like to award a star but my browser is acting up. Is there some kind soul out there that wouldn't mind posting a star on my behalf? Thanks. Ann
  13. annsolomon

    How to code a SQL statement

    Thanks for helping out Ben. I really appreciate it. Ann
  14. annsolomon

    How to code a SQL statement

    Thanks for the advice about queries vs coding SQL. I decided on using spaces instead of the crlf option but now I get Error #2342 (a RunSQL action requires an argument consisting of a SQL statement). This error has me totally clueless. Ann
  15. annsolomon

    How to code a SQL statement

    I've shied away from coding SQL statements and have always used queries instead. I'd like to learn how but got Error #3075 (syntax error/missing operator) on my first attempt: DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT DISTINCT qryScheduleAppt.WONumber, qryScheduleAppt.ContactID" _ &...
  16. annsolomon

    Change label in report header based on criteria

    Ken, I was able to follow your advice successfully in a new database but still can't figure out why I can't get it to work in my original database. Too weird! Anyway, I wanted to come back and give you a star because I'll be able to use this advice in future applications. Thanks! Ann
  17. annsolomon

    Change label in report header based on criteria

    Thanks for the feedback, Ken. I'll keep plugging away at it and post back here if I figure it out. Ann
  18. annsolomon

    Change label in report header based on criteria

    I can't believe I just said the Report Header section has no Format event. Egads! I was looking at the properties of the Report rather than the Report Header. At any rate, putting my code in the Report Header makes no difference. Again, any other ideas? Ann
  19. annsolomon

    Change label in report header based on criteria

    Hi Ken. My label is in the Report Header section which has no Format event. Other ideas? Ann
  20. annsolomon

    Change label in report header based on criteria

    I'm trying to follow the advice I found at thread181-48619 but can't get it to work. I end up with no report title at all. I declared GetReportTitle as a public variable in a standard module. I have this code in a Select Case statement: GetReportTitle = "Need PO&quot...

Part and Inventory Search
