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  • Congratulations SkipVought on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. gapiesco

    Using a formula to group?

    Yup! Give me a day or two to try and get it working. Thanks again.
  2. gapiesco

    Using a formula to group?

    lbass, I trying for: By date By City By Outage duration (less than 30 mins) By Outage.duration (greater than/equal to 30 mins) Outage.duration is a timespan (String) Here's the first two of 18 lines of formula to deal with time: If (mid({outage.duration},3,3)) = "day" and...
  3. gapiesco

    Using a formula to group?

    You are correct. It is a time field. What I would like to accomplish is to take if {table.city} in [xxx, xxx, xxx] then "Miami" and add something like: and outage.duration<'00:30:00' and outage.duration>='00:30:00' to subdivide channels within a city (XXX, XXX, XXX)into one of two or three...
  4. gapiesco

    Using a formula to group?

    Lbass, Can I use a similar statement to add another delimiter. For example: if {table.city} in ["Boston", "Bangor","Hartford"]and if {outage.duration<'00:00:30'} then "NorthEast" else
  5. gapiesco

    Using a formula to group?

    lbass, I think your right. With a continuous series of if, then clauses, I should be able to break down my group. With 114 it will take a little time to input, but once I have it, I'm done - it'll be easy to update. I'll give it a try and see if that solves my problem. Thanks for deciphering...
  6. gapiesco

    Using a formula to group?

    The specific information is of a confidential nature. It comes from an ODBC database. The field is chanout.channel. I would like to subdivide that field using a formula of sorts, something similar to SQL where I can stipulate a selection (similar to sort function in Crystal) where...
  7. gapiesco

    Using a formula to group?

    I currently have a report which pulls data from a select field named chanout.channel where the selection "is one of" grabs info on 500+ entries. Since I have no other sort function from which to select, I'm assuming I can write a formulas to further define this group. Out of that 500+ channels...
  8. gapiesco

    Excel -- Time Functions

    Thanks. Skip. Sorry it took so long to get back to you. Too much work activity to implement change. Now it's 2004 and I'm streamlining.
  9. gapiesco

    Excel -- Time Functions

    Skip, anyone. Will what you discussed here help me format a cell so that I can type: 102530 and have the cell display as 10:25:30. I would also need to make sure is can deal with time durations, not time clock. For example, 1235010 to represent 123:50:10 or 123 hrs, 50 mins, 10 secs.
  10. gapiesco

    Displaying a parameter field?

    Thank you. Working like a charm.
  11. gapiesco

    Displaying a parameter field?

    It's displaying, however when I try to save formula it wasn't recognizing everything after &quot;to&quot;. So I deleted. What I ended up with in the display for April 1-30 was 4/1/20034/30/2003. Obviously no break between min and max.
  12. gapiesco

    Displaying a parameter field?

    I know it's simple, but I can't seem to get my date parameter field to display in my report. I created a parameter for users to pull record selection based on a date range. But I can't seem to get the dates selected to display on the report. I've placed the field object in every conceivable...
  13. gapiesco

    Performing calculation on time

    I apologize to all for my misunderstandings. I did talk with xhelp on the phone this morning and he was able to clarify and complete a workable formula which includes the message you've been trying to get across. We applied the following: =(AH11*24*60/43200-1)*100. This seems to be working...
  14. gapiesco

    Performing calculation on time

    Idol, I'm not dividing by number of days in a month, but the number of minutes.
  15. gapiesco

    Performing calculation on time

    Zathras, I definitely run into the 24 hour delemma. Messaging the formulas works but doesn't help for this reason. I have fifty spreadsheets with anywhere from 10 to 25 entries. Each of those entries can vary greatly. One month line three may exceed 24 hour, the next month it may be zero. If I...
  16. gapiesco

    Performing calculation on time

    At the risk of sounding ignorant, can you give me an example of how that would work/look with either of time examples above. Never dealt with datetime values (per say). Thanks.
  17. gapiesco

    Performing calculation on time

    Another thought, when I convert say 29:32:24 [=convert(ah18,&quot;hr&quot;,&quot;mn&quot;)]it correct calculates minutes, secs to 1772:24 but displays 1772:24:00. Can't seem to get that cell to translate to 1772.4 to apply second calculation.
  18. gapiesco

    Performing calculation on time

    Just ran into another SNAFU. That process works great until you exceed 23:59:59. At 24 hrs, it zeros out again. Still need help. Is there any way custom or otherwise to circumvent the 24 hour clock? Thanks.
  19. gapiesco

    Performing calculation on time

    I've figured out a work around, but it requires two separate calculations. I used =(((HOUR(AH3)*60)+MINUTE(AH3)+SECOND(AH3)/60)) to get a total minute column (using number format & 2 decimal places). Then I apply the formula =100-((+AI12/43200)*100)to that new column. Of course I'll have to add...
  20. gapiesco

    Performing calculation on time

    No, I have the total downtime 129:xx:xx. I'm trying to get the percentage that represents of all available minutes in a given month. Attempting to send you a copy of spreadsheet.

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