Hi all,
I am using Crystal Reports XI and want to do the following:
I need to make a sum of a quantity field but the group by should be done on two columns.
The primary key of the table looks like this:
I want to sum the...
Please have a look around in the tool.
You need to change parameters in the objects named "%_DC" and "%_DF".
The "%_DC" (DataConnection) contains the connection parameters, like database name, username and password.
The "%_DF" (DataFiles?) contains the tables that are accesed. Here you need to...
Solved it !
Had to change several paramters in the Business View manager concerning connection parameters and FQDN table names. Strange, that when I add a new report I have to fill in all of the credentials (like username and password) but these are not copied to the business view objects. I had...
Good day,
I have a problem concerning Crystal Reports XI R2.
When I run a report that contains a dynamic parameter I get
the following error (its in Dutch):
"Zoeklijstfout: kan waarden niet verkrijgen. [Oorzaak van fout:createRowsets ReportSDKException(-2147482925):Het ophalen van gegevens uit...
Forget it. I solved it.
I changed the project options. The "Optimization" checkbox was turned on and this was causing the problem. Turned it off and now it is working perfectly.
Hello guys,
I have written a program that can retrieve jpeg pictures from a source(camera, disk) and export these to the hard-drive and then grouping the pictures in sub-folders using the EXIF information in the jpeg like "date taken" to get a nice organized bunch of pictures.
The problem I am...
If you know what ODBC does than you also know what the BDE does. ODBC was devoloped by Microsoft to make a transparant connection layer to different Databases so the user didn't have to bother with what type of DBMS that is running.
Borland (developer of Delphi) made the BDE (Borland Database...
Hello Yakan,
Our company Zetes is specialised in AIDC (Automatic Identification and DataCommuncation) solutions, and we can provide you off the shell solutions or custom made systems for all your registration needs. We do barcode and RF-ID solutions from design to programming. We make the total...
Hello there,
I would like to remove leading zero's from a string.
For example:
String1 = "000010"
Result should be "10"
Is there a function in VBScript for this ?
Hello There,
I am developing a very small app for a Pocket PC device using Microsoftw Embedded Visual C++ 3.0.
What I want is a screen that is for example 30 pixels in height and is always on top of other screens. I would also like it to be on top of the Start menu button all of the time.
Hello there,
I am developing a application on a PocketPC 2002 terminal using EVC++ 3.0. I am creating a MFC dialog based application. The problem is that a get a OK button in the top right screen but when I click it my application is closed. I would like it to minimize the app.
How do I do...
Hello there,
I would like a vb script that I will place on a PocketPC 2002 device which will start an executable.
Is this possible and how ?
Hello there,
I am looking for a zip program for on a PocketPC 2002 platform that can be started from the command line.
I would like to call the program from my own application something like this: "\\Application\Zip.exe -\\my documents\test.zip
So no user interface is required.
Does anyone...
Hello there,
I would like to place a character in the keyboard buffer of windows. I don't know which application should receive it but the app that has the focus should get it. It should work just like a keyboard-wedge solution only without the cable.
How do I do this ?
Does anyone know how to put a character in the windows keyboard buffer ?
I believe I have to use a API function. I thought using PostMessage with message WM_CHAR.
Any idea's ?
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