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Search results for query: *

  1. eblattner

    Hugh Memory Problem using DataGridView

    As suggested above (thanks Chrissie1), I read the binary file into a dataset with pretty good results. Load time was about 1/10th as long, and the memory used was greatly reduced. Now the problem I'm having is setting the rows' caption. I need the row header to display the row number in hex...
  2. eblattner

    Hugh Memory Problem using DataGridView

    The grid is 16 columns by 65535 rows on a 512k file. All I need to do it display and edit the binary file, but the datagrid is the only way I know how to do this. I have seen other binary editors load the file VERY fast, but I assumed it's not loading the whole thing. I'll try the...
  3. eblattner

    Hugh Memory Problem using DataGridView

    Hey all. I have a problem displaying a binary file in a DataGridView control. This program is basically a binary editor/mapper for automotive PCM files. Loading the file in to the array is very fast (less than 5 seconds), displaying in the grid is slow (no biggie), but the biggest problem I...
  4. eblattner

    clear all rows from a datagridview

    Wouldn't this work... DataGridView1.Rows.Clear() Works for me :)
  5. eblattner

    NTFS problem in .aspx app

    I am writing an aspx (Visual Basic) logon app for a friend (he needs to be able to reset expired passwords, so the regular windows logon won't work). Everything is in the same domain and secure, so that isn't really going to be a problem. I created a logon page, that checks user name and...
  6. eblattner

    ASP Access and NTFS in an aspx VB web application

    I am writing an aspx (Visual Basic) logon app for a friend (he needs to be able to reset expired passwords, so the regular windows logon won't work). Everything is in the same domain and secure, so that isn't really going to be a problem. I created a logon page, that checks user name and...
  7. eblattner

    Restore a program minimized to the system tray

    I didn't think about that, I'll try and let you know how it works out, THANKS!!!
  8. eblattner

    Joining DataTables ?

    How about something like this... SELECT Date, AmountB/F, Repayments, InterestCharged, AmountC/F FROM table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.Date = table2.Date INNER JOIN table3 ON table2.Date = table3.Date Not sure what your table names were, so I used table1, table2 and table3
  9. eblattner

    Restore a program minimized to the system tray

    No, I guess because there is really no window. I am using EnumWindows to get a list of current windows. It lists all windows, but not anything running in the task bar. FindWindow was another option I tried, but with no luck :(
  10. eblattner

    Restore a program minimized to the system tray

    Hello all, I have a problem (duh!) I wrote a shell program a few years back in VB6 that replaces Windows Explorer on startup. This was written for a SysAdmin so his users could only have a few choices when running apps. The problem I have now is with PCAnywhere. Being that Windows Explorer...
  11. eblattner

    eX2K & SQL2k in same box?

    I have an AMD XP 2600+ with 1 gig ram and a 120 gig HDD running Windows Server 2003, Sql Server 2000, Advantage Database Server, and Exchange Server 2003 and have no problems - however, like crobin1 said, there is a lot of disk access to think about. The system has enough RAM, but it does...
  12. eblattner

    Datediff, displaying partial month

    if you are not too worried about the exact number (ie. too many decimal points) what about this, figure the number of days, then divide by 30 tmpDate=DateDiff("d","10/1/02","11/15/02")/30 then you could format the result for how ever many decimal points you want...
  13. eblattner

    Data Update Problem

    I had the same problem, I think. I opened a global recordset, and had a form that would add records to it. When I needed to access the added records through the global recordset, they would not be there. I opened the global recordset with the Dynamic cursor type. Then cleared any filters...
  14. eblattner

    Sorting and displaying problem

    I am trying to select records from a table. I want to display a field called ID. But I want to do this based on 4 fields called "what and a field called "Status". I have attached a small table as an example. I am using a formula like this. If {table1.id.what} =...
  15. eblattner

    Aughhh! Opening then Closing Excel in App - Excel remains in memory

    Had the same problem. The user was the one to close Excel, but an instance stayed in memory. This fixed my problem... 'In the declarations: Dim WithEvents xlBook As Excel.Workbook 'the calling procedure: Dim ExpName As String ExpName = xlsfile ' the name of the excel file I am opening...
  16. eblattner

    Access Specification Export

    Hello, I need to export the specifications only that someone else created in a database so I can use the data in a vb project. I need the specifications only, not the data. I will write the code to import the file (a fixed width .txt file with about 50 fields). I can import the file in access...
  17. eblattner

    Multiple users accessing an Access database

    O.K., My bad. Since this started to be a single user app, I compacted the database on startup. Well, I didn't disable this when I tested it as a multi-user app. You can NOT compact a database that is opened by another user STUPID! Sorry for the bogus post, maybe someone else can use this...
  18. eblattner

    Multiple users accessing an Access database

    Is it possible for multiple users to access an Access database without using ODBC? I have an app that uses an Access database using Set db = New Connection db.CursorLocation = adUseClient db.Open "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + App.Path +...
  19. eblattner

    Launch an app and get it's handle

    This is from the Windows API Viewer: Public Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As...
  20. eblattner

    Launch an app and get it's handle

    I am using VB6 professional (sp5), but the ShellExecute is a Win32 API call. I think I will have to use the CreateProcess call, I just wanted to do it with smaller code. Thanks again for all the help!

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