My office just got a RV082. Its a nice box. BUT, I have a Netgear 318 at my house. I can not Get my 318 to create a tunnel with the RV082. I Spent over 2 hours on the phone with Linksys. They could not get them to work. I have another tunnel on my 318 to another older model linksys, that...
I solved the problem. Here is my log out page
<cfset Structclear(Session)>
<cfset cookie.CFAUTH="">
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="1; url=index.cfm">
Still having problems. I gave up on the old Code. The new Code I am using is from Mastering Cold Fusion 4.5. I cut and pasted the snippet from the cd and I changed the security context to match my name.
With this code, It still is not catching the security exception. I set the <CFCOOKIE...
Iza -
I'm doing something wrong then. Its not catching the security, and its not coming up with a login page. What usually happens after a logout, where the session is cleared, the url location goes to the index.cfm page, where it errors out because session.username is not present.
Hi -
Can some one give me a hand, I have been struggling with this problem for quite a while. I am using cf4.5, on NT with advanced security. I want to secure a directory using a security contex thats call pageworkers. I am validating the users from an LDAP server.
I have it working to a...
I need help in understanding some things that I am confused about. I am authenticating users using advanced security, using an LDAP directory server to check user name and passwords.
So far I have it so when you access any file in the directory, the application.cfm kicks in and...
Im confused about this method that CFProgrammer mentions. When I do this, It kills the session, but It also kills the CFToken, and CFID. How do you generate the login screen if its in application.cfm? Im using Advanced security, authenitacating with an LDAP server. I don't use a file called...
I use both on NT and on RedHat 7(linux), It works fine. I found that the documentation is 99% geared towards NT. A couple other limitations I don't like as much as the NT version, is the ODBC datasources are limited.
Can any one help? I am been fooling around with CFFile, but that seems slower than FTP'ing. The files that will being passed thru are rather largearound 10MGs each.<br><br>I have been trying to find more info on CFFTP, but I think the documentation isn't good.<br><br>Matt
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