I would suggest that a lot of these so called one post wonders are actually the same "group" of people who are posting, getting booted, rejoining, posting, getting booted...or individuals who just like "joining" multiple times....
Or so it has seemed to me in...
Not a good analogy lionelhill ~ unless you truly would buy a car that you weren't allowed to test drive!
Expecting people to splash out on a product that might not be "up to the job" is slightly naive (IMHO).
Look before you leap...
Have you looked in explorer to find the "Windows Update Setup Files" folder which will have your explorer setup files [maybe].
Also, have you tried to connect to the web throught windows explorer rather than internet explorer?
I've come across this problem before and it has always been Windows Media Player that had caused it.
Then select your CD-ROM/Properties
Make sure the Digital radio buttons are selected/Apply/OK
Forgive me for not understanding what you mean.
Has your machine been wiped? Is there already OS on the machine? Why do you think you need to create the MBR?
Maybe the answer is in this thread;
but I can't swear to it because the original poster did not post back with an update. Also, the star given to one of the posters was not given by the original poster either.
Good luck.
Hi gouldish,
Perhaps you should post more info about your system and about what is happening to your machine.
It seems to me that the info you "added" in your subsequent posts is pretty relevant when troubleshooting - don't you?
Come on, help us to help you - people tire (well I do!)...
Hi machoosh1,
You say you tried to retsore the registry but still had the same problem.
Had you tried to install all the programmes first as I suggested?
Also, I would imagine that it might be helpful to list all the programmes that you uninstalled to give us an idea of the scope of the...
Thanks ~ that takes care of why I said "What usually happens..." lol.
So, if the virtual drive has been assigned E: then it is trying to load to D: which is the CD ROM and would give the same problem being described.
All the best,
Have you looked in the add/remove programmes to see if there is anything that shouldn't be there.
Also, try the Add New Hardware option to see if the system has got some item attached to it that needs "sorting out" that you are unaware of.
No the system should work with nothing in the autoexec.bat file.
Can you still start your system via "option 4"?
If you can you need to run msconfig
Then uncheck the "Process Autoexec.bat file" option and see if that makes a difference.
Hi Rosco,
Firstly it would have been helpful to post the links on tek-tips your are referring to.
If you have looked through all the STARTUP folders and deleted all the tempory files and in the \windows\temp directory etc. try renaming cfgwiz32.exe to cfgwiz32.old and see what happens.
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