I reinstalled windows and any files or apps or anything are all fixed!!! That's what was done before - but I didn't do it and the person kept tweaking my system (for the better? yeah right!!!) and now I did it ll on my own, checked my sys.ini and things are back to normal. I am so thrilled it...
uhhh where is the rest of my post???? ugh it must have highlighted and I must have pressed at key. CRUD!!!! It just isn't my week!!!!<br><br>It was a long post too!!!<br><br>... everything is not liek it was before. UGH! ok, go to my website : <A HREF="http://www.yestheyrefake.net "...
...our houseguest changed some things around and we installed some MS stuff and Adobe stuff. Plus having to dump windows and ie and everything else, we reinstalled things and NOW everything is not
Okay.... I am still struggling. I clicked the Tek-Tips graphic at the left hand top of this page and viewed its properties (it showed as a GIF) but I double checked it by clicking "save as..." and it would save as a GiF, like it should be. Now, I am going to go check my site.... BRB...
Or Bitmaps. I recentky had to DUMP EVERYTHING and reinstall everything ugh!!! and now I can't see java, and it IS enabled, and all the images, even images that I KNOW are GIF or JPG save as ART or BMP. Even when I view properties it says its an ART file when I know it isn't - I made it. Plus my...
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