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  • Users: Xaqte
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  1. Xaqte

    PAM Authentication

    I'm running RHEL 7 with Percona Server 5.6.27-76.0 I've installed the auth_pam, and auth_pam compat from percona and I'm unable to authenticate with accounts identified with either. I've got both a local account, and a kerberos account on the linux server and I can't get either of them to work...
  2. Xaqte

    XML::LibXML - Maintain order of elements

    Nevermind... User error!
  3. Xaqte

    XML::LibXML - Maintain order of elements

    I know this sounds stupid, but it is a requirement that is out of my hands to change... Is there a way to maintain the order of elements as they are added with XML::LibXML? Thanks, X
  4. Xaqte

    Hash Keys Order Anomaly

    You might want to look at this: thread219-1528345
  5. Xaqte

    Sprintf question - order AND padding

    Brilliant! Thanks Kevin!
  6. Xaqte

    Sprintf question - order AND padding

    I know how to use sprintf for padding: %02d And I know how to use if for the argument position: %2$d But, I cannot figure out how to combine the two. How would I padd it AND specify the argument position? Any thoughts/suggestions would be greatly appreciated? X
  7. Xaqte

    Password expire notifcation for POP - is it possible?

    Thanks for the quick response Zelandakh! I should've specified that I wasn't looking for an "off the shelf" solution... got any other ideas?
  8. Xaqte

    Password expire notifcation for POP - is it possible?

    I know that OWA features the password notification when the account password is about to change. Is there any way to send an email out for an additional method of notification? Even if it involves some server side scripting, or any hints... just any way to make this possible. Thanks in advance...
  9. Xaqte


    Maybe you using the wrong search criteria, have you tried searching using "lvm raid". I was able to find this withing a few seconds: http://www.oreillynet.com/sysadmin/blog/2008/04/lvm_and_software_raid_a_powerf.html
  10. Xaqte

    Posting XML

    use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)'); my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $url); $req->content_type('text/xml'); $req->content($data); # $data will be the string of xml my $resp =...
  11. Xaqte

    Maintain order of hash keys

    I was looking for a way to maintain the order of hash keys, and the only solutions I could find where to either populate a "sort" keys of the position and sort by that, or use Tie::IxHash. As most, I hate adding another module dependency unless necessary.... So, this is what I came up with...
  12. Xaqte

    How to ingore directories/files when using File:find

    You could try something like this (untested): sub edits() { if ( -f ) { foreach ( $File::Find::name ) { eval { open(LOG, "< $File::Find::name") or die "Could not open file $_: $!"; }; if ($@) { warn $@...
  13. Xaqte

    Test::Mock::Object with SOAP::Lite - having no luck

    I'm trying to use Test::Mock::Object with SOAP::Lite, and I'm getting nowhere quick. I first tried Test::Mock::LWP: use Test::Mock::LWP; BEGIN { $Mock_response->mock( content => sub { return SOAP::SOM->new('<foo>bar</foo>'); } ); $Mock_ua->set_isa('LWP::UserAgent')...
  14. Xaqte

    Perl Error Handling

    Sounds like you need exception handling.
  15. Xaqte

    searching Parse::RecDescent

    You can find it here: http://search.cpan.org/~dconway/Parse-RecDescent-1.96.0/lib/Parse/RecDescent.pm
  16. Xaqte

    Cisco 7940 - firewall probs? - setup help

    Thanks for the response! I got it figured out... something was missing on their end.
  17. Xaqte

    Cisco 7940 - firewall probs? - setup help

    I'm new to the telecommute biz, and I received a pre-configured cisco 7940... with no instructions. I've connected the phone to my router, and it is receiving an IP... but I can't dial out & no one can dial in. I have a feeling that the problem is with my firewall with my router. I have a...
  18. Xaqte

    How to test is a string is a multiple of 4

    I'll give you a star for that!
  19. Xaqte

    How to test is a string is a multiple of 4

    Wish I could edit... main point is: if ( ($n / 4) <= 0 ) {
  20. Xaqte

    How to test is a string is a multiple of 4

    if ( ($n / 4) <= 0 ) { print "$n is not divisible by four: $dv\n"; } else { print "$n is divisible by four: $dv\n"; }

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