Is there a short way I can checks dates, so that dates like 30/02/2004 are excluded?
I know is ASP you can use IsDate(somedate).
Thanking you in advance
I have some code which see if a session attribute has a value, but it is throwing up a "NullPointerException" error. My code is below.
//problems with this
String testLang = (String)session.getAttribute("lang");
if (testLang.equals(null))
session.setAttribute("lang", "English")...
Could anyone tell me if there is an easy way to put a recordset into an array.
I'm sure there is an easier way than going through the whole recordset.
Thanking you in advance
OK here's some pusedo code, but please keep in mind that i have no idea how this is done in JSP so this might lead you more astray
String myFilename = pageNameThatHasBeenPassed;
<TITLE> Main Page </TITLE>
/*code for menu */
<%@ include file=myFilename %>...
No i want the generic code in one file, and then include the none generic code into that one, depending on ehich parameters have been passed to the page.
I would like to have just one single JSP page with the menus and banners on, but then the content to be added in through an 'include' statment, or something to that effect.
I would like to know how to do this through passing a parameter of the page i want to include and then using that to...
I ahve some ASP code which depending on the varibles will load up a page.
<% server.execute "content/" & Lang & "/" & Page & ".asp"%>
For example if Lang = "Eng" and Page + "Home" it would load up the english version of the home page.
but I...
I have generated a file name for a document and i know how to save it, but now i want to be able to select the folder where it is to be save to.
Is there an easy way to present the user with a folder list which they then select. Hopefully somehting windows intragrated so they can create new...
I need a simple solution to find certian files.
I need to find all the files with the word "test" in the file name.
It needs to look in the folder "d:/test/" and all it's sub folders.
Once the files are founds I need the location and file name displayed in a list.
We are using Sharepoint team services, not portal, and we want the links to open up in a new window when clicked.
I have searched the web for an answer to this and only been able to find answers regarding portal.
I was wondering if anybody has come across this problem and found a solution...
How do you configure ISA to accept SSL conncetions and https connection (prob same thing) to be acepted through port 444.
I have tried adding a few things but they don't seem to work.
The settings IE needs to connect to the internet is to go through a proxy server "server" and port...
I've created a Share point team services and theres no pages or anything its just made a blank web site.
Have i done something wrong or do i need to inport something?
thanking you in advace
You can only set up one mail box per person that is also out the window.
Its ok i set up a rule using the message header in outlook. One of your post gave me the idea.
Thnaks for your help.
I know this.
but the only problem is that all mail recived first goes through the exchange server. So once it gets to the users mail box it says it has been sent to the same address. for exaple all of ericas email are sent to ericaG, whether they have been sent to info ventas or erica.
so hwat...
HOw do i do that?
When she clicks on the to field in outlook, it just says ericar, her exchange alias. it doesn't have the actually dress.
Is there a setting in exchange server which keeps the orignal address?
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