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  1. bsimser

    Home Page Intra-View Customization

    You can go into the Modify Settings and Columns for the events and create a filter using the [Today] value.
  2. bsimser

    Add a Web Part to a Page Programmatically

    Yes, it depends on which version of SharePoint you're talking about but both the 2001 and 2003 versions have APIs to do this. 2003 uses .NET while 2001 uses the COM model.
  3. bsimser

    Win2003 Sharepoint Team Services + Sharepoint portal server 2003

    1) My biggest query, from a business perspective, is whether the list could (by default or could very easily be configured) to capture Risks and Issues (seperately) You can create a custom list or even upload a spreadsheet into SPS to create the list quite easily. I took your list and...
  4. bsimser

    Need script to automatically publish a document

    Here's some vb script I wrote (just off the top of my head so check for errors) that will publish a document. Just call it with a URL to the document you want to publish. Save this code to a file (e.g. publish.vbs) or put it into your DashboardExtensions.vbs and use it in a webpart. Example...
  5. bsimser

    We are trying to add our own Web Pa

    This URL contains the information needed in setting up a corporate web part gallery: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/technet/prodtechnol/sharepoint/deploy/depovg/creatwpg.asp
  6. bsimser

    SPS Questions...

    Francesco, There is a facility for programming against the SPS events. This is known as the event sink and you can have web parts respond to and react to events. Microsoft (and others) however generally recommend not writing against this because a) it's not there for SPS v2 b) it's not really a...
  7. bsimser

    SPS Questions...

    1. There is a workflow designer that you can utilize (similar to the Exchange one) but it's really not a good solution for building real workflow applications. MS has stated to either a) use a 3rd party tool like Teamplate and b) not to invest too heavily in the workflow aspect as it may or may...
  8. bsimser

    Reject Publishing request with email

    You can find a link here: http://www.spsfaq.com/downloads.asp?postid=579 to some code where you can modify the reject cycle. Basically it's a custom page so when a reject happens on a document, it takes you to the page and you can enter your comments as to why it was rejected. The reject...
  9. bsimser

    Web Parts

    Here are a few to get started: http://www.sharepointcode.com/ http://www.sharepointserver.com/webparts.html http://www.msd2d.com/Tip_view.aspx?section=Sharepoint&category=Web+Parts
  10. bsimser

    I want to open web links in a new w

    There's a categorized web link part available from sharepointcode.com that, by default, opens web links in a new window. Or you can just modify the existing web part and specify "target=_new" in the link.
  11. bsimser

    Xircom RBEM56G ghost problem

    I just successfully setup Ghost 2002 with a Dell Cpt laptop. Here's the instructions that should work for you. 1. Download the Xircom drivers from here: http://downloadfinder.intel.com/scripts-df/Detail_Desc.asp?agr=N&ProductID=847&DwnldID=3252 2. Extract them to your hard drive (C:\Xircom)...
  12. bsimser

    Subscriptions apply to all levels?

    Microsoft help states that each folder must be subscribed to in order to receive notifications (from the help file) however this is false. I subscribe to the Documents folder in my server and I get all notifications for any sub-folder. Hope that helps.
  13. bsimser

    SP client?

    The client tools are for any user you want to access content on the portal using standard MS Office tools. They extend the office tools (Word, PPT, Excel) by adding new context menus that allow you to check in/out, and publish documents from the portal. They can be used by OFfice 2000 and XP...
  14. bsimser

    Do I need SQL server to run SP?

    SharePoint Portal Server requires Windows 2000 Server and Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 5.0. You can find the full requirements here: http://www.microsoft.com/sharepoint/evaluation/sysreq/default.asp Hope that helps.

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