I am still not following. How do I use it with the code above? My listboxe lstVacation is defined like this..
<asp:listbox id="lstVacation" runat="server" Width="254px" Height="218px" SelectionMode="Multiple"></asp:listbox>
Hi everyone! I have spent hours trying to figure out whats wrong here. My patience is running out, it seems so simple but there is still a problem somewhere! I am basically using an add button to transfer dates selected in a calendar control to a listbox using.net. I also have a 'remove' button...
Hey RajeshGooner! Just wanted to let you know that by using 'dateserial' instead of 'Datetime' function, the error went away. Well, thanks for your help anyway!!
Thanks a lot lbass!! I substituted DateTime for DateSerial like you mentioned, and it worked like a charm! Any idea why DateTime was giving an error and also what is the difference between DateTime & DateSerial? As you can tell, I'm not very good with Crystal syntax! :) Well, thanks again for...
Thanks for your reply Rajeshgooner! Could you tell me how I could use it inside my code to do the same thing? Also, why would the above code not work? It worked all along, except now because it is Jan and Month(CurrentDate)-1 becomes 0 on execution which isn't acceptable. Why is it going to the...
I am trying to retrieve data for the previous month...since it is Jan right now, the formula Month(CurrentDate)-1 generates a '0' which gives an error: "A month number must be between 1 and 12". To bypass this the following code was written, but doesn't seem to work...please note what is...
I am trying to retrieve data for the previous month...since it is Jan right now, the formula Month(CurrentDate)-1 generates a '0' which gives an error: "A month number must be between 1 and 12". To bypass this the following code was written, but doesn't seem to work...please note what is...
I understand LB. Somehow it doesn't work right I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that I have 2 report footers. Report Footer a & b. I have put the T&C in the report footer b....with New Page Before checked and the page header suppressed with the formula you mentioned. Just so you...
I did that earlier Lbass. Goran, in answer to your question, I am bringing in the Terms & Conditions page as an OLE object in the form of a Word doc. It doesn't have the option saying 'can grow'. I finally did what lbass suggested, and thought it was working but when I ran the report for another...
Lbass, you are right.My terms and conditions page is over a page...I did what you mentioned and changed the suppression formula to what you stated, and it works fine as long as I have my font real tiny, as the report footer section doesn't allow much room. So now its tiny, but not really...
Hey Goran! Really appreciate your help but thats exactly what I have done already! I moved it to the Report Footer and did 'New Page Before' in that section. It doesn't add a new page though. :(( Let me know if you have any other suggestions. Thanks!
Well, it didn't work. I set it to add a new page before, but it seems to start on the second last page and run into the last page...so the second last page prints with the page header and the last page just has the continuation of the Terms & Conditions though without the header (which is...
Thanks Goranm! But could you elaborate some more? Here's my format....
Page Header a (I used your conditional statement here, so it doesn't print on last page)
Page Header b (I put the 'Terms & Conditions' text here...but maybe thats not the right thing to do..any ideas?)
Details a
Details b...
Would really appreciate some help here....I have a report that is a Sales Order Acknowledgement....it is printed in 'landscape' format. I need to print out a separate 'Terms & Conditions of Sales' page after the entire report prints out...and I do not want any of the information from the report...
Hey everyone! I am very new to xml and really need some urgent help with this. I have an asp page which processes data and returns a resultset. I want to be able to write this to an xml file which can be opened and read by another asp page. Here is some of the code....
Response.Buffer = True...
Always to my rescue! :) Thanks a lot!
Ok, but I am not sure I follow what you mean. Here is the SQL code in Query Window. What is highlighted is what I added and what messed it up.
Need some help with this people! I edited my query in the 'Show SQL Query' window, added one more criteria to the where clause. Was getting a 'Database DLL Error'. When I checked on the Crystal support page it said that if a change is made in the show query window, Crystal cannot handle that...
Thanks a lot!! That worked. I can't belive I missed that! Thing is I was using the same line in another procedure and it wored without the submit(). But I realize thats coz the call was for that was made from a form submit button. :)
Anyways, thanks a bunch again! I was going nuts!!
Someone please help! This is very frustrating. I am trying to call a vbscript function using a link on my page. This function basically posts a form action. But for some reason it won't execute. Please tell me what I am doing wrong.
This is the link:
<A class=mainmenu...
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