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Search results for query: *

  1. spiral123

    UDP Packet not retrieved

    I have an unusual situation. I have a piece of equipment that sends me its IP every 45 minutes. Once I get the transmission I have to initiate a series of calls to retrieve a certain number of records. The unit only sends me the IP and a value so I have to set it up to send then wait to receive...
  2. spiral123


    found my issue, I used cast([TimeStamp] as varchar) in the headers but my [Timeheader] field was still datetime thanks though.
  3. spiral123


    BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure here DECLARE @PivotColumnHeaders VARCHAR(MAX) SELECT TOP 4 @PivotColumnHeaders = COALESCE( @PivotColumnHeaders + ',[' +...
  4. spiral123

    TCPIP server stopped getting data

    I have a system where I get packets via TCPIP on port 9000(VPN) UDP on port 9000 (VPN) and TCPIP on port 6005 (not VPN)from multiple sources. Everything works well execpt every couple of nights I will stop receiving packets on port 9000 tcpip. no error occurs and i still receive udp on port 9000...
  5. spiral123

    Data design question

    data is sent by units away from the server each unit can have 1 - 100 logs sent every 5 - 15 mins. So data can be any integer or float. And there will be alot of data. I want the most efficient way to store this data so it will be easily retrieveable and lowest overhead possible. Riverguy, I...
  6. spiral123

    Data design question

    Hey guys I could use some help. I have a situation where i have 1- 100 fields of data coming in on a timed basis. Average is 10 at a time. Should I do this: id|field|value|timestamp which means each time I recieve data I get 1-100 records, or should I do this: id|field 1 |Field 2|...
  7. spiral123

    dynamically placing points on a map

    I have a request to create a map that the users can self designate a point on the map and make it clickable. For example a map of the united states and points where every six flags is located that you can click on and up comes the phone number. The problem is i need to allow the owners of the...
  8. spiral123

    Waiting for SQL

    I have a program that receives a binary packet then inserts the packet into a sql table. I would like to write an application the when a new record is added to the table the application retrives the binary string and parses it back into the tables as readable values. not sure which is the best...
  9. spiral123

    Send email from table

    Hello all, I need to have an email sent at a date and time contained in a table to an address contained in that table. i.e Date Email 8/8/2007 12:00:00 here@here.com would send an email on that date and time to that email. Will sql do this or will we need a third party...
  10. spiral123

    problem with UDP packet

    no as i said the ack is being sent it appears to be more a problem with the way the UDP is being sent or maybe with the way its converted to binary
  11. spiral123

    problem with UDP packet

    I am encountering an unusual issue. I have a send receive program for udp packets written in VB.net on a windows 2003 standard server. It receives from a custom piece of hardware and is supposed to send an acknowledgment. It sends the ack but it is not recognized on the other end. When the same...
  12. spiral123

    UDP issue windows 2003

    I am encountering an unusual issue. I have a send receive program for udp packets written in VB.net on a windows 2003 standard server. It receives from a custom piece of hardware and is supposed to send an acknowledgment. It sends the ack but it is not recognized on the other end. When the same...
  13. spiral123

    use modem from web app

    Im not sure how to go about it, but we have several people from different cities calling from a database. I would like to put the database in a sql database on our server so they can use the same database without splitting the numbers. That part I have under control. My issue is that my boss...
  14. spiral123

    Delete table and import data problem

    I have to replace tables from one database to another on a daily basis. The problem is if there is an error on the import the macro has a problem running when it hits the delete part. I need to check for the existence of a table before running the import feature, or just overwrite the table. any...
  15. spiral123

    Problem with multiple instances

    I have a table that has a unit number and plate number field and a province field Unit Plate Prov 1234 123AB456 Alberta 2345 145BC456 British Columbia sometimes a unit will have two plates Unit Plate Prov 1234 123AB456 Alberta 1234 125BC457 British Columbia 2345...
  16. spiral123

    Error is processing file in pickup directory - CDONTS Problem

    I have a script that generates a notice and sends it via CDONTS. Some of the messages do not go through. Here is the message I recieve in the badmail folder Unable to deliver this message because the follow error was encountered: "Error is processing file in pickup directory.". The specific...
  17. spiral123

    Email Form In Outlook

    tried that it doesn't work either
  18. spiral123

    Email Form In Outlook

    I have an asp page that sends a form in a email, when you try to paste into the comments text area in outlook the paste function doesn't work. However it does work in outlook express. Any suggestions on whats going on?
  19. spiral123

    Query Advice

    I have a table with an ID field a year field and an odometer field, I need to show all records that have an odometer reading higher in a previous year than in a later year. So 0001 1999 20000 0001 2000 25000 Is OK But I need to see where 0001 1999 20000 0001 2000 19000 Im...
  20. spiral123

    Problem Querying an Access Query

    tried it, it doesn't work either. I tried running the query on both tables and they work so i am at a loss.

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