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Search results for query: *

  1. klaxyn

    oracle-xe trigger PLS-00049: bad bind variable 'NEW.USER_IDX'

    Yep that was it. I put quotes around "user_idx" and it worked. Apex used quotes around the column names when creating the table. Looks like a bug in apex to me. I bet if I installed the latest version of application express this would be fixed. The rpm for oracle-xe contains version 2.x of apex...
  2. klaxyn

    oracle-xe trigger PLS-00049: bad bind variable 'NEW.USER_IDX'

    Thanks but that produces this error. ORA-00904: "USER_IDX": invalid identifier create or replace trigger "BI_users" BEFORE insert on "users" for each row when (new.user_idx is null) BEGIN SELECT "BI_users".NEXTVAL INTO :new.user_idx FROM dual; END;
  3. klaxyn

    oracle-xe trigger PLS-00049: bad bind variable 'NEW.USER_IDX'

    I just installed oracle-xe (10g) with application express on a linux dev server running centos 5.x. Enabled archivelog mode and created a new user/schema to create my tables and application under. I created a table in application express and get a PLS-00049: bad bind variable 'NEW.USER_IDX'...
  4. klaxyn

    kernel source for rhel4

    Turns out I was isntalling the wrong package. I installed this rpm "kernel-smp-devel-2.6.9-5.0.5.EL.i686.rpm". This created the /usr/src/linux-xxxx/ file structure. I then created the soft link to /usr/src/linux. "kernel-devel*src.rpm" must be the source used to create the rpm that installs...
  5. klaxyn

    kernel source for rhel4

    I installed the kernel source from the CDs by "rpm -ivh kernel-devel*src.rpm" and this installs the source into /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES. But there is no makefile. Everything I find on the web says the rpm command I used should install the source and makefile in /usr/src/linux-xxxx/. What am I...
  6. klaxyn

    BladeServer HS20 and BootP

    I haven't had much time to get much further on this project, but here is a link to what I've accomplished so far and I've included the text below. I've successfully booted to a win98 boot disk over the network using PXE boot. Cheezy, I know..but it's a start:)...
  7. klaxyn

    BladeServer HS20 and BootP

    I'm trying to setup our IBM BladeServer (HS20) to boot over the networking using dhcp and netboot from a linux box. Does anyone have any experience with this? Right now I'm stuck trying to build a kernel image with makerom. I downloaded the broadcom drivers from the broadcom site but makerom...
  8. klaxyn

    BOOTP "NBP is too big to fit in free base memory"

    I am setting up a bootp windows 2003 server to boot identical diskless IBM blade servers each with 1 gig of ram. I created an image using the windows xp embedded utilities. I am getting this error when trying to boot: "NBP is too big to fit in free base memory" I haven't found much...
  9. klaxyn

    Anyone can author website fp 2000

    I created a frontpage 2000 website in iis 5.0 (not the one in my signature line:) Using ntfs permissions I set 'everyone' and 'iusr_machinename' to read,list,exec. I ran the permissions wizard and chose 'public' website permissions. The problem is the entire world can author the website...
  10. klaxyn

    Services - too many services running, most of which you don't even use

    Did anyone try this? It would nice if people gave their system configuration and what services they run and which they shutdown that were set by default to startup. More information is always better. Kurin Lambert webmaster@earthmatrix.org www.earthmatrix.org
  11. klaxyn

    Services - too many services running, most of which you don't even use

    I've compiled a list of win2k services that were set to automatically run (on my system). I've set these services to either 'manual' or 'disabled' to keep them from running and my system performance jumped by approx %30. Here is the link to the page I created...
  12. klaxyn

    Exchange Server 2000's log files

    I found two log file types in exchsrvr\mdbdata; res#.log and E0000#.log files. Both of these are encoded with the exception of a few email texts in E00.log How would I make use of these? I was looking for something I could load into event viewer (*.evt) or plain text. I haven't found any...
  13. klaxyn

    Exchange Server 2000's log files

    Can someone help me find Exchange Server 2000's log files? There is nothing related to exchange under system32\logfiles. Thanks. Kurin Lambert webmaster@earthmatrix.org www.earthmatrix.org
  14. klaxyn

    I have a domain name now what

    Since he now has a static ip would it be more benificial to run his own dns server instead of using dyndns? I also have a static ip and run dns for my lan so I thought maybe I should also run win dns or bind. I use verisign's dns service for my primary domain but thought I could get away with...
  15. klaxyn

    lost root password, how can i recover?

    You are absolutely right Daniel, I think that would be the best way also. But someone already said that and everyone had a different way to do the same thing so I thought I would add yet another way ;) That's what I like about linux....many ways to do the same task. Kurin Lambert...
  16. klaxyn

    entering dns servers for web browsing on redhat

    and incase you don't know the syntax of resolv.conf: nameserver www.xxx.yyy.zzz where the wxyz is the ip of the nameserver. If you have netconf installed, you can use that too. Kurin Lambert webmaster@earthmatrix.org www.earthmatrix.org
  17. klaxyn

    I have a domain name now what

    Also make sure you have an MX record setup through dyndns. This would be yourhost.domain - whatever host your mail server is on. Kurin Lambert webmaster@earthmatrix.org www.earthmatrix.org
  18. klaxyn

    lost root password, how can i recover?

    And yet another way....( I'm not sure if you can reboot into single user mode and run passwd, but just incase ) 1) reboot into single user mode 2) edit /etc/passwd, find the line for root (usually first line) 3) you'll see something like this.. root:X:0:0.....etc delete the X which is your...
  19. klaxyn

    email not going out

    What you describe is exactly what we experienced. We had a problem once where the dns entries for the exchange server somehow got changed to an internal ip instead of the public ip and outgoing mail could not route outside the network. Simply changing the dns entry from to the...
  20. klaxyn

    public folders

    To access public folders via the web install outlook web access. What version of exchange are you running and under what version os? www.earthmatrix.org

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