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  • Users: BehnamPro
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  1. BehnamPro

    How do you open multiple tables from a database in a form and update..

    Do u use ADO or DAO? if u use DAO,so use a "Data" object.Then u may change table from its properties(RecordSource).It contains all tables of a database. Behnam2204@yahoo.com www.geocities.com/behnam2204 BehnamPro
  2. BehnamPro

    MDI child is always maximized in parent..

    Hi friend, Every form has a "WindowState" property wich describes form size when opening.it can gives 3 value:0-Normal or 1-Minimized or 2-Maximized. I think it is better that you let 0 to this property for child windows : form1.windowstate=0 Behnam2204@yahoo.com...
  3. BehnamPro

    Datagrid and Timer.

    Hi Gazal!
  4. BehnamPro

    Text box colors...

    U can use a Label control and change it to 3D.It is like a textbox. Behnam2204@yahoo.com BehnamPro
  5. BehnamPro

    Can't Delete Admin History and Temp Files

    You can get the address of for example cookies from "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Cookies" and delete all cookies from there.Also for temp files.But pay atention that some temp files would not delete because theye are in use by a...
  6. BehnamPro


    When yuo set a pannel to show time(from custom dialog box),it would automaticaly displays time and no more code needs. Behnam2204@yahoo.com BehnamPro
  7. BehnamPro

    MsgBox - vbYes

    Try: answer=msgbox("Question",vbYesNo) Now : if answer=6 it means the user clickes Yes and if answer=7 it means the user clickes No Behnam2204@yahoo.com BehnamPro
  8. BehnamPro

    how to get the URL of Link in Internet Explorer ??

    Webbrowser is a VB control that you can add it from components dialog box. Behnam2204@yahoo.com BehnamPro
  9. BehnamPro

    how to get the URL of Link in Internet Explorer ??

    I`m not sure but i have an idea:First you can get the HTML code of the page and then search the &quot;<a href=&quot; tag (hyperliks tag).The address between this tag is the url. Tip1-You can search the text by InSrt().see object browser. Tip2-the link may be a picture. Tip3-read some about html...
  10. BehnamPro

    Maximum Number of Forms

    I thinks it is no problem,but it depends on memory.Also you should try to use methodes thet less forms in your project. Behnam2204@yahoo.com BehnamPro
  11. BehnamPro

    Opening a text file in notepad

    If you have a saved text file and want to open it try : set ws=createobject(&quot;Wscript.shell&quot;) ws.run(&quot;c:\test.txt&quot;) -->You should enter text file address instead of &quot;c:\test.txt&quot;. Behnam2204@yahoo.com BehnamPro
  12. BehnamPro

    How do i add a ico file to the form title bar?

    Yes,It`s simple: In the Form properties window select &quot;Icon&quot; and select an icon for it. Note:You can select your icons from Icon folder where you installed VB.(...\VB98\Graphics\Icons) Behnam2204@yahoo.com BehnamPro
  13. BehnamPro

    How do i add a ico file to the form title bar?

    Yes,It`s simple: In the Form properties window select &quot;icon&quot; and choose an icon from the dialog box. note :You can select your icons from Icon folder where you installed VB. Behnam2204@yahoo.com BehnamPro
  14. BehnamPro

    Opening an excel file in current excel session

    So add &quot;On Error Resume Next&quot; first the code,Because in this code if an excel application is running then an error would occure,then in the next line in code prosses the error and would find that excel application is not running,so runs excel. Excuse me if mistakes in dictation or...
  15. BehnamPro


    1-Right click on an object,then select properties. 2-Click on the properties button in VB toolbar. Try more in VB! Behnam2204@yahoo.com BehnamPro
  16. BehnamPro

    i'm experimenting with internet-type stuff, and i was wondering

    If you want to use internet in your VB program,so you should first add broeser object from comments menu.Then (i do not know )exactly this control has a method to refresh a site.You can use object browser to find thismethod or see MSDN. Behnam2204@yahoo.com BehnamPro
  17. BehnamPro

    VBScript on my Images. How do i remove??

    That is exactly a virus,DinoKing. It may be a new virus that located in images. This is a new technology! Behnam2204@yahoo.com BehnamPro
  18. BehnamPro

    Conditional Open of Directory

    This method can open applications: set fso=CreateObject(&quot;Scripting.FileSystemObject&quot;) fso.run(&quot;notepad.exe&quot;) 'Opens notepad OR fso.run(&quot;word.exe&quot;) 'Opens word Behnam2204@yahoo.com BehnamPro
  19. BehnamPro

    VBS + Loging out

    jonscott8,please describe it. Thanx Behnam2204@yahoo.com BehnamPro
  20. BehnamPro

    bad file mode error

    Dear abhyrao, You should replace thecode bellow instead of line 6 in your code(OpenTextFile): Set writefile= oFS.OpenTextFile(&quot;c:\a.txt&quot;,2,true) Behnam2204@yahoo.com BehnamPro

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