Hello again,
this are the link i have defined in the compiler options,
i think everythig is ok:
c:\progra~2\sap\frontend\sapgui\rfcsdk\text\rfcexec.c -o c:\progra~2\sap\frontend\sapgui\rfcsdk\text\Rfcexec.exe
-s -fexpensive-optimizations...
Hello supernova88,
i did, i have include librfc32.lib , but the error persist.
I change in the compiler options, the lib directory were this file is, and still nothing.
Hi m03046,
you can try to see the examples and source code that SAP
You have this information with the SAPGui installation.
Check for directory ..SAPgui\rfcsdk\ccsamp\RFCSamp.VB in your program files.
There you will find examples for C/C++ and VB.
Hello everyone,
i had aldready implemented some aplications using SapConsole for Warehouse Management module.
So, if you need some information or tips you are free to contact me.
Hello again and thanks one more time,
i check for the files you have mencioned, and it checks OK..
about the functions i mencioned before they were from a diferent example i try to compile, it was from SAMPLE.C file.
But now, I try to compile the file startrfc.c and the errors are similiar...
Thanks Fred,
i have aldready done'it, and try it to compile those examples, but that´s exactly what is given me problems.
When i compile those files, i get some errors.
It seems that the samples don´t recognize the libraries.
I have aldready link the program to the libraries, but the errors...
Hello everyone,
i'm trying to call SAP from an C program, i had search for some information and i had some results.
I found the libraries (guilib.lib) to be include in the C program, and also the include files but i still haven´t a working program.
IF someone could help me , i would...
i had reply you a message about excel graphics i think...
I made a simple program using graph_2d, if you still want it, email me at pedro.rosa@roff.pt.
well, i realy don´t now how to do it the way you described,
but i now a way of generating automatic graphics in SAP using abap4.
You can make an abap program that reads the table you want
and then you just need to call a sap function "graph_3d" or
"graph_2d" or other...
I´m starting a new SAPConsole project in my company and i would like some help if possible.
I have already made the SAP screens and tested it in my workstation using SapConsole.
The idea is to provide Sap communication via PocketPc using SapConsole (first using Radio Frequency, later...
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