The message quality on the MIRAN is now distorted. Even the menu is distorted making it sound like when a volume level is too loud. I'm going to try reseating the card, any other ideas?
>TAnselm (Vendor)
>Ahh, but you can't enter HTA without a hunt destination. If >you do try, you should get a SCH and it will revert back to >HTD.
That's not true, you don't have to enter anything. If I leave it blank, it hunts to the general greeting of the VM saying that there is no VM box...
Here is a cut and paste of the dump
*** Possible Bad Line Card
00000 82C00802 65000000 00000B40 FDB70100
00010 85030000 02000001 85030000 0000C804
00020 00400000 8117FFFF C0D40100 00000000
00030 08020378 00000000 00000000 00000000
>Trivial, but to get the "LHK" to appear, there needs to be a >response to HUNT as well...either some DN or just "000"
You don't need any response to HUNT as the LHK is a seperate function. It determines if you roll to another line when the prime is busy or if it goes to HUNT.
If it is programmed as an SCR then one set busys the other set out. If you want 1 set to be able to pick up the line from the other set, change POD to POA in the CLS.
I believe if you leave SFA off (SFD) on all the sets, the last set it rings on will carry that's set DN to the voicemail. So if SFA is off on set A, B and C, then when someone calls A and goes through the above senario, it will end up in Cs VM.
On an Octel 250 in the status log it shows the error message "Possible bad line card" with a hex dump under it. Is there any way to read the dump so I know what line card it is referring to?
LD 20
REQ: chg
TYPE: i2004
TN 61 00
ECHG yes
ITEM key 0 scr <put DN here>
keep pressing enter and that will apply a DN on your key 0. I notice you have have forward no answer going to 300400. Is that a valid DN for your VM?
I'm working on an 81 with Succession and according to the NPTs Virtual Office will only work with Internet phones. Now I'm sure on another Option that had build 25.x on it I could use it on 3903s and 3904s. In the phone user's guide, it also states that you can log in on a 3903 or 3904. Did this...
Phantom TNs is an optional software package for the 81C. Unless you have paid for it, you won't be able to use it.
I agree, that the ACD is the faster and easier way to do it.
Is anyone familiar with this error? There isn't even a TIM listing in the NTP under System error messages. It appears about every 15 minutes on the terminal. This is on an Option 81 with Succession.
In Meridian Mail, it's easy to clean out old mailboxes by searching for old "last login dates". Can any one tell me how this is done in the Octel system. I haven't been able to find that search parameter.
LD 20 (assuming your firm ware isn't ancient)
req: chg
type: <type of phone user has>
TN: <TN of phone>
echg: yes
item: NCOS <#> #= new ncos level
press enter a few times and you are done.
I'm also assuming your know the restrictions on your NCOS levels.
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