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  1. michaenh

    Delphi.NET - which version do we need?

    Hi. If you are going or planning to create a asp.net application then the only use is Borland Data Providers (BDP) to connect to a database. I could not find ADO components for VCL forms application for Delphi8. It is also really heavy to port a big project over to Delphi8. It could be alot...
  2. michaenh

    Delphi.NET - which version do we need?

    Borland provides tools to simplify rapid ADO.NET development using Borland Data Providers for .NET (BDP.NET). mha
  3. michaenh

    Win32 to .Net Application(asp .net)

    Hi. I am testing Borland Delphi8(octane) now and I just woundering if it is possible to transform an existing win32 application to .net(asp dotnet) application? I know it is difficult with a large win32 project, but what about an easy(small) project f.ex. one unit and a form. Does anyone know...
  4. michaenh

    EOleException in Delphi 7 ADO

    Hi, Check some of this points: 1.databasefile-corrupt http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q232060 2.no permission to read file 3.no permission to write file 4.no permission to create file (msaccess lockfile for ex) 5.mdac not installed Link below is about ADO and...
  5. michaenh

    TSaveDialog and filename

    well I got something working... :) Ex. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin savedialog1.Filter:='html|*.html|txt|*.txt|dat|*.dat|pdf|*.pdf|csv|*.csv'; SaveDialog1.DefaultExt:=''; if savedialog1.execute then begin SaveDialog1TypeChange(self); showmessage(...
  6. michaenh

    TSaveDialog and filename

    hi whosrdaddy. ex. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if savedialog1.execute then showmessage(savedialog1.filename); end; procedure TForm1.SaveDialog1TypeChange(Sender: TObject); begin case savedialog1.FilterIndex of 1 : savedialog1.DefaultExt := 'xml'; 2 ...
  7. michaenh

    TSaveDialog and filename

    Hi Delphi Experts. Ok. Here is the question... I want to change the filename in the SaveDialogbox when users choose different.. filter. f.ex. filter as txt, xml, csv etc. and the filename will appears as MyFile.txt, MyFile.xml, etc. I manage to change the filename before SaveDialog is...
  8. michaenh


    Hi. I will try that.. thanks.. Seems to be cool... cheers, mha
  9. michaenh


    I will try this: try InfoDB.ConnectionString := 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;User ID=Admin;Data Source.. ' with InfoDB do begin Open; if Connected then Result := True end; except on e:exception do ShowMessage('fail to connect to database'+e.message); //fail...
  10. michaenh


    Hi. It does not help with the latest MDAC. It does not even help that the computer have office package installed.. 1.databasefile-corrupt No the database is not corrupt.. it is on a server and other clients work except for one special computer 2.no permission to read file full permission...
  11. michaenh


    Hi. I use ADO and Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider to connect to a MSAccess2000 database. Some of our customers have some problem to connect to the database with the program. (Only few computers). I don't why... any clue? Is it because of MDAC? Some needed system files? Some needed driver or...
  12. michaenh

    Delphi + Microsoft Access

    hi. take a peek at this link: http://delphi.about.com/library/weekly/aa010101a.htm cheers, mha
  13. michaenh

    opening a directory

    Hi. If you use Delphi6 or Delphi7 you can use TShellListView from the Samples palette. Set root path where you like... works like Windows Esplorer. Cheers, mha
  14. michaenh


    Solved it! var pidl : PItemIDList; InFolder : array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; begin SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(application.Handle, CSIDL_PERSONAL, pidl); SHGetPathFromIDList(PIDL, InFolder); result := InFolder; cheers, mha
  15. michaenh


    Hi I use shGetSpecialFolderPath in a function that I want to get a special folder path ex. C:\Documents and Settings\mha It work like a charm in Win98, WinXp, Win2000 but in WinNT4.0 it doesn't work. An error message appears: Shell32.dll does not support shGetSpecialFolderPath function. I...
  16. michaenh


    Hi. Hi. Can anyone tell me how I can upgrade Shell32.dll version4 to Shell32.dll version 4.72 or shell32.dll version5. Are there any patch from Microsoft? Does not get any responds from Microsoft, so I will try this forum. WinNT4.0 have Shell32.dll version 4.0 Many thanks! Cheers, mha
  17. michaenh


    G'Day! :) Thanks Chris! Cheers, mha
  18. michaenh


    MDAC that the program need is 2.1 or better and it doesn't need to support win95.. Many thanks in advance! cheers, mha
  19. michaenh


    Hi, Delphi experts. I have just finish a project and it is time for shipping to our customers. In my program I use ADO connection to a MSAccess and it needs MDAC version x.x. The question is do I need MDAC a long with the installation program? Doesn't almost every computer with Microsoft...
  20. michaenh

    Dialogs Language

    Hi. Take a look at this thread: thread102-557310 Ex copy consts.pas from ..\Borland\Delphi7\Source\Vcl to your projects folder and add it to your project. Manipulate the pas file.. . . SMsgDlgWarning = 'MyWarning'; SMsgDlgError = 'MyError'; SMsgDlgInformation = 'MyInfo'...

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