Thank you for your respond, but our computers are locked down I can't not download any software on my PC or my co-workers PC's who would also be using the application.
Do you have any other suggestions?
Please help. I am trying to unzip files in Access 97 VBA and extract them into a directory. Before my IT department upgraded our computers from Windows 2000 to Windows XP I had a shell command in my module that did the following:
target = "C:\temp\NYISO"
Shell ("C:\Program...
I have an urgent problem that occurs when I export a simple report to a text file it creates extra returns between the detail section of the report. I have a report that has a text field in the report header that refrences a date and text, then one text field in the detail section, and a label...
I am trying to send 6 different reports in one email maessage to different managers. I am filtering each of them in the coding and then I would like to send all of them as a rich text attachment in one email message instead of six. Is this possible?
Thank you for your time.
I used Ken suggestion of surpressing the detail and showing the maxium result in the footer section. That seems to work. Thank you all for helping me. Now that I have the subreports showing correctly I just need to make a calculation in the main report. Are there any Tips on how shared...
What you are suggesting is approiate but my problem is the that only want 1 record to be return. In the above example if A and B are records and #2 is the {?Date} then I would return two records when I only want record B. So in answering Lisa I feel as though the only way to determine...
I realize that period A and B are covering the same time period. That is one of my problems in trying create a formula. If they weren't then I could do a simple if-then-else statement but I am struggling with trying to fit a date into the appropiate period.
Sorry Brian,
for not being clear but the start and end dates change according to the record and date field is actaully a parameter in the report. So, based on the date field I want to return only the reord that the date appropriately fits in between the the start and end dates. The A & B...
Here is my problem I have data that needs to be shown in a report based on the effective start and end dates. I know that I will have difficulty explaining this so here is an example:
{Start} - Start of the period
{End} - End of the period
{Date}- Date of the data being shown in the report...
I am wondering if it is possible have a main report and subreport have different page layouts? For example I want my main report to letter paper with a portrait orientation while my supreport which is in the detail B section (can be moved to a grouping level) to be letter paper with a landscape...
Thank you Ido. That is all that I was looking for. I know that it was possible and read things on it, I just didn't know where the location of the property was.
Thanks again.
I am trying to create a report that has over 1500 records and disply the results on as few of pages as possible. I have no groupings levels (because groupings wouldn't make sense) therfore everything is in the detail section. All that I want to see is 3 columns (Project, Method, Owner). These...
Yes, I have 3 grouping levels that are shown and then the Detail section is hiding. So I would hit the MonthA total in group footer 3 and then wanting the Detail A section to show.
Thank you,
Thank you Chris for the responds, but I am a little confused. On the report both Month A and Month B are shown. So that the user can compare the two values. Then with the report run if the user wants to see more detail on Month A then they drill down on it and it would open only section...
I have a transaction table that has a lot of information about every transaction for the company. I have created a select critera to limit the business units and months that I would like. In the report I then have mulitply groupings that will show grouping levels and two months of data...
I am not an expert and I only use crystal a little. But one of the features about the reports that I create is that the user can decided their own grouping levels. I do this by creating parameters and setting default values. I then create a formula which is just a set of if-then-else...
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