yes you do need to change IIS from 443 to 4430 or whatever so SG can listen on that port. its reasonably straight forward to configure, i can try to answer any questions if you have specifics. as for literature, just the WI and SG admin guides should do.
have you successfully installed/tested this package on any machine? perhaps it really is a problem with the package. also how are you connecting to the 3rd machine? drive mapping or unc path? it can make a difference.
on the client pc, in the configuration for the connection to this farm make sure the address list contains the ip addresses for both servers. that way, if it cant connect to one of them it will try the next.
Have you assigned any connection licences to servers? the second app will only start in the same session if the first session is using a pooled license. assuming you are using MF XP.
you havent mentioned here but if you uninstalled terminal services you will probably have to uninstall and re-install metaframe as well, then re-publish apps.
NT, 2K and XP clients have built in licenses so no admin required there.
all other clients (win95 I gather), will need a CAL. you only appear to have one, that would explain the temporary licences issued.
there is also an issue with CAL's not being returned to the pool (which may be where all...
Yes license pooling is possible. here is an excerpt from the admin guide.
Pooling License Counts in Mixed Mode
Pooling MetaFrame 1.8 connection license counts across subnets is not supported
when you use mixed mode. When operating in native mode, MetaFrame XP
combines connection license counts...
I've been instructed to install Excel 97 on a win2k MFXPa FR2 box.
my question is, after installing excel,I ran the application compatibility script and it wants me to set a rootdrive variable that isnt already in use by the server. my users log into the server using local accounts and dont map...
if the licenses are already installed in the farm, check the product code, it needs to be the same as the server that already exists. also check the name of the farm you have added the server to. the farm name is case sensitive.
go to the Citrix Connection Configuration tool, double click on the ica-tcp(or whatever protocol)connection, click the advanced button and down the bottom next to shadowing, select an option that says "Notify OFF". of course if the option that forces a shadow acceptance popup was...
not sure if this is the same as you issue but it sounds vaguely similar. I stumbled accross this the other day.
By default, Windows Terminal Services clients do not have write access to the registry on a Windows Terminal Services computer. To run some Outlook features, you might need to give...
Mr Illuvatar,
you need to tone it down a bit. I can understand quite clearly what adrianrutter is saying. if you dont have anything constructructive to add i suggest you dont add anything at all. nobody likes a know it all.
it sounds like you are going out of your way to make life difficult for yourself. install it from scratch, it's not that hard and it's the best way to avoid future problems.
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