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Search results for query: *

  1. wgechter

    Report based on date of appt.

    BRILLIANT, Works perfectly. Thanks much
  2. wgechter

    Report based on date of appt.

    How would I create a report that said I want a list of patients that had an apptdate in 1/1/2005 to 12/31/2006 but don't display them if they've had an apptdate in 1/1/2007 to currentdate. I'm not sure where to put the formulas or how to group it. For example if John Smith - 1/10/2005 and a...
  3. wgechter

    Time formula

    It's a long int
  4. wgechter

    Time formula

    I have a few formulas. @time numbervar hourplace:= {MRSC99.T_CHART_OPEN}/60; numbervar seconds:= remainder({MRSC99.T_CHART_OPEN},60); numbervar hours:= round((hourplace/60)); numbervar minutes:= round(remainder(hourplace,60)); time(hours,minutes,seconds) @minute numbervar testhour:=...
  5. wgechter

    Results on one line

    The data is not summary's The data is value's from my formulas, lab result values. Below the heading HDL is my data which is the formula @HDL and @HDL Date, which is the formula's from above. That is the data. I do not know if they are to be shown at a group level, but it is the only way...
  6. wgechter

    Results on one line

    Ok here it goes again. I hate writing to forums b/c I obviously don't know what I'm talking about. I will try to include everything! My record selection: {MRPL99.PROBLEM_NAME} like ["*NIDDM*", "*DIABETES*", "DIAB", "DIABETES MELLITUS", "DM"] and not({MRPL99.PROBLEM_NAME} like ["DIABETES...
  7. wgechter

    Results based on date

    I didn't know it was going to be this complex so I didn't think it was worth the time. I did get what I want. I could limit in my record selection, that's fine I just didn't (not an expert) Specifically, without trying to make things simple(which I realize didn't work) here's my record...
  8. wgechter

    Results based on date

    So, I did a formula @labgroups: if {LAB_NAME} = "HDL CHOL" or {LAB_NAME} = "LDL CHOL" or {LAB_NAME} = "DLDL" or {LAB_NAME} = "HGB A1C" then {LAB_NAME}; And I grouped on this formula, so it works, but I have two more questions. It appears on 4 seperate lines for each lab result, can it all be...
  9. wgechter

    Results based on date

    Yep, did that. Here's what I get. If I group by {labname} I get all labs, which I'm only looking for a few. (but you didn't know that) but it is working as you say. So can I now create a formula to do my group instead of just {labname}? I'm not sure what the formula should look like? I...
  10. wgechter

    Results based on date

    Unless I am misunderstanding, I tried this but I took out the {table.D_LAB_DRAWN} = maximum({table.D_LAB_DRAWN},{table.patientID})in the group selection and it gave me both results in this order: 7 on 10/8/05 8 on 7/20/05 When I leave the group selection in, it worked on some patients but not...
  11. wgechter

    Results based on date

    Thank you lbass for your response. Vampire, I specifically stated to your question, "So do you want the maximum date and it's associated value?" in my last line, "How do I get the max date but associated lab value?" So YES, I would like max date and associated lab value...again. You stated...
  12. wgechter

    Results based on date

    I have a field, {lab_name}. My formula, @HDL, looks like this: if {LAB_NAME} = "HDL CHOL" and (not isnull({LAB_RESULT})) and {D_LAB_DRAWN} in (currentdate - 424) to CurrentDate then {LAB_RESULT}; This displays the lab result for HDL Chol. I also have one exactly the same, @hdl date...
  13. wgechter

    Navigation Buttons Advance Main Form

    I got it. Thanks for your help. When I started looking at the difference in my queries it was a matter of adding a field from a wrong table that was not letting me order by a certain field in the master form which then wouldn't navigate on them correctly. If that made sense. It's fixed now...
  14. wgechter

    Navigation Buttons Advance Main Form

    Tom, Thank you. The RecordSource is correct. I want the form to look exactly identical and work exactly identical but use a different query. So that is correct for both forms and subforms. The linkchildfields and linkmasterfields are exactly the same for each as well. This is why I don't...
  15. wgechter

    Navigation Buttons Advance Main Form

    No, I'm not sure everything is set up corretly. But I took a form that is working correctly and copied it and created this new form. Only thing that changed was the name of the form and the Record Source which is a different query. I had this problem before when I first created the original...
  16. wgechter

    Navigation Buttons Advance Main Form

    I have a form with a subform in it. I have turned off the navigation buttons in my subform and only have navigation buttons on my main form. When I click the button for the next record I want it to advance the main forms record. Currently, it is advancing the subforms records. How do I do...
  17. wgechter

    No Sorting and Grouping

    Yeah, all my toolbars have all their buttons. And there are no filters on any of my data. Thanks
  18. wgechter

    No Sorting and Grouping

    I am using Microsoft Access 2003. I have a database that I have created some forms. Just two weeks ago I clicked Sorting and Grouping. Today I cannot find Sorting and Grouping. It is not in the View menu like everyone says. I cannot find it in the form. There are no buttons located on any...
  19. wgechter

    Subtracting Time

    WOW! That was the most brain dead thing I've done in a while. Yeah, it works fine if you're not being an idiot. Thanks, Wendi
  20. wgechter

    Subtracting Time

    Just a number. Thanks

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