I have a site that has been able to view PDFs from links for the last 4 years. That is, until I upgraded to MX 7.
I understand I now need to add the cfheader command above the cfcontent command, such as this:
<CFHEADER NAME="content-disposition" VALUE="inline;filename=#mFile#">
I found some other code that has a couple of subtle differences. The variable in the "AS" does not have single quotes and then after the query it sets the variable and doesn't use it directly. Hope this helps someone else.
<CFQUERY name="SetupGroup" datasource="#ds#">
How do I pass the identity variable back to the page?
<cfquery name="x"....>
insert blah blah
select @@identity AS 'Whatever'
If I say:
<cfset y = #x.whatever#>
it's undefined.
What's the most efficient way to have the align= be either 'center' or 'right' depending on whether the value is a number or text? I want numbers right aligned and "None found" to be centered, for example.
<td bgcolor='##EEEEEE' align='right' width='100'>#MaybeANumberMaybeText#</td>
Just wondering: When using the hidden fields (as described above), if you go to page 3 and then hit the back button to page 2, does page 2 have page 1's form fields hidden... or if you then forward to page 3, does it have 2's hidden?
Yeah, I thought about the popup window after I submitted this question, too. And Rudy is really correct in saying to design it so that it doesn't matter. What my problem really is is that I have a two-step form... one form leads to the second. People do the first form and I'm inserting a...
I've looked through the FAQs and couldn't really find the answer to this. How do I disable the Back button when I'm on a particular form? I don't want the user to leave the form without either clicking on Submit or Cancel.
I think I need to use Javascript and redirect back to the current...
Does anyone have an example of a simple header to appear on each printed page?
I just want to have a client's name at the top of each page on an html report (in ColdFusion 5.0) for IE 6+ users.
I found the following on www.webreference.com, but it's a bit more than what I need. (It does a Page...
Thanks all for your help. It turns out that there is nothing wrong ith Fox at all and that it was me. Imagine that! There was a routine I failed to see that occurred after it in the code.
I'm an idiot, but at least I have 20 years experience. What a humbling profession.
Create a YesNo() function and pass the field or value as a parameter. You can also check for values of 0 or greater this way (zero = "No" and 1 or more = "Yes").
Yes, both structures are exactly the same. And certainly that is the case when using the "Select * from &tabname into table tmpTable".
The tables themselves are denormalized and therefore have names such as "Shift_nm1", "Shift_nm2"... up to "Shift_nm7" and each having 30 characters. The fields...
Is there a bug in VFP 8 whereby on an "ppend from &tabname" character fields don't always come over?
I've been programming in dBase/Foxpro since dBase II (20 years), so I've got the t-shirt -- but I have been programming in ColdFusion primarily for the last few years, so I'm hoping I missed a...
I'm saving html with a .doc extension. When they received it this last time, Groupwise (I assume) changed the name to filename.txt and then opened it showing raw html. So, I am assuming that their version of Groupwise is not accepting html messages. ???? (It's State government.)
Outlook and...
I do a cfmail with cfmailparam tags attaching multiple files. The files attached that were created in Word or PDF open just fine when the email is forwarded. The one I create in html that I save and attach as "filename.doc" reads fine as long as it is not then forwarded to someone using...
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