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Search results for query: *

  1. jfgambit

    building querry from multi select linkbox to produce report

    You want to pass the IN() criteria to the query...here is an example: strSQL = "SELECT tblSales.RptEmpID AS MngrID, IIf(IsNull([tblSales_1]![ComName]),[tblSales]![ComName],[tblSales_1]![ComName]) AS MngrName, tblPOLog.EmpID, tblSales.ComName, tblSales.SalesArea, tblSales.EAddr...
  2. jfgambit

    Code to close Access

    Private Sub cmdQuit_Click() On Error GoTo Err_cmdQuit_Click If MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to Exit the Database Application?", vbYesNo, "QUIT APPLICATION") = vbYes Then DoCmd.Quit Else End If Exit_cmdQuit_Click: Exit Sub Err_cmdQuit_Click: MsgBox "Please contact Manager and...
  3. jfgambit

    User Permision

    Have you tried to log into the database as the Admin and Export the Forms and Queries to the new database? "I know what you're t'inkin', ma petite. Dat Gambit... still de suave one, no?"
  4. jfgambit

    Disable all fields in a form

    You might also consider the following: If Me.Project_Manager.Value = "John Doe" Then Me.AllowEdits = False Else Me.AllowEdits = True End if "I know what you're t'inkin', ma petite. Dat Gambit... still de suave one, no?"
  5. jfgambit

    Startup Form Before database initializes

    How did you redesign the database? Is your "PLEASE WAIT" form the form that is loaded from the Tools>StartUp>Display Form/Page selection? "I know what you're t'inkin', ma petite. Dat Gambit... still de suave one, no?"
  6. jfgambit

    Design Question: Too much normalization? Where do you draw the line?

    Here is something about Normalization written by Jerry Dennison (UtterAccess Guru). It has helped me many times... Strictly speaking, addresses do not describe the entity that is people. And many would espouse that you separate addresses into their own table and relate them back to the people...
  7. jfgambit

    working with a tab control on a form

    Add the following to the On Click event of the button that opens the form: Private Sub cmdButton1_Click() Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String stDocName = "NameofFormOpening" DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria...
  8. jfgambit

    Passing multiple parameters from listbox on form to query

    The following post should help you with your problem... thread702-563930 "I know what you're t'inkin', ma petite. Dat Gambit... still de suave one, no?"
  9. jfgambit

    Multiple Combo Boxes and its selection

    See the following post... it describes how to re-write a QueryDef to take into account your multiple comboboxes. thread702-563930 "I know what you're t'inkin', ma petite. Dat Gambit... still de suave one, no?"
  10. jfgambit

    changing backcolor based on value of dropdown

    Try this: Dim ctrl as Control For Each ctrl in Form.Controls Select Case ctrl.ControlType Case acRetangle: if ctrl.Name = me.cbo_id then ctrl.backcolor = 0 else end if Case Else Next ctrl "I know what you're t'inkin', ma petite. Dat Gambit...
  11. jfgambit

    Searching all fields?

    Have you considered using the Filter by Form function? Create a form with all the fields for each table and then use the Filter by Form button to Filter the records. Also...see the following thread for a search example: http://www.tek-tips.com/gviewthread.cfm/lev2/4/lev3/27/pid/702/qid/563930...
  12. jfgambit

    Field validation on a form.

    You will be able to tab through it...but what happens when you try to move to a new record? Also...get rid of Is Not Null in the Validation rule...you only need YES in required. Jeff "I know what you're t'inkin', ma petite. Dat Gambit... still de suave one, no?"
  13. jfgambit


    Docmd.FormName.Requery HTH "I know what you're t'inkin', ma petite. Dat Gambit... still de suave one, no?"
  14. jfgambit

    Filter Form based on Text Box Input

    Mike: Dim stDocName as String Dim stLinkCriteria as String stDocname = "frmAdjRequest" stLinkCriteria = "[IdNumber] = " & me.txtSearchIDNumber Docmd.OpenForm stDocname,,,stLinkCriteria HTH "I know what you're t'inkin', ma petite. Dat Gambit... still de suave one...
  15. jfgambit

    Default Value in ComboBox

    Ok...goto Properties of the Listbox...select Default value...hit the "..." and build a query based on the table that has all the data. "I know what you're t'inkin', ma petite. Dat Gambit... still de suave one, no?"
  16. jfgambit

    get started a (complicated) database

    Anna: A couple of questions you need to ask yourself in regards to this: 1. Are the discounts going to be given on an individual product line item level or as a complete total of the order? 2. Sale price from the linked database can be obtained, but if an order is changed what Sale price will...
  17. jfgambit

    Runtime Error 2473

    There is a module or function that runs when the form is opened. Somehow, it got corrupted or deleted and everytime you open the form Access tries to run the module or function with the On Open Event. Have you tried to compact and repair the database? "I know what you're t'inkin', ma...
  18. jfgambit

    Default Value in ComboBox

    What is the default value set at now? "I know what you're t'inkin', ma petite. Dat Gambit... still de suave one, no?"
  19. jfgambit

    Automatic assigning

    Here is an example of how to generate a random record list via a query: Select Top 5 EmpNbr, Rnd(EmpNbr) from YourTable order by rnd(EmpNbr) To not include the &quot;checked&quot; ones: Select Top 5 SecSecNo, Rnd(SocSecNo) from YourTable order by rnd(SocSecNo) where CheckBox <> 1 HTH...
  20. jfgambit

    Field validation on a form.

    However...make sure that you set a message in either the table (Validation Text) or in the form utilizing a module or the user could get a Default confusing message in Access. &quot;I know what you're t'inkin', ma petite. Dat Gambit... still de suave one, no?&quot;

Part and Inventory Search
