Problem Solved! During a merger of two inventory locations by the accounting people they accidentally created a record in the IMINVLOC file with a blank itemno & location. For an outside process the receiving program was using the cost from this record rather than the PO cost, and distributing...
MacolaHelp- Thanks for the good suggestions. The I/M cost type/loc file looks good, and I have exported and imported the PO header & line item files, using SQL Server utilities. The account numbers look good in the PO Line Item file.
We are creating these PO's from within the P/O module, then...
I run Mac SQL Server 7.5.103f with several companies. We routinely use outside processing in shop orders (SFC) where we link a PO line item with a SO line item. Then when the PO is received the material is automatically issued to the Shop Order.
This has always worked fine, however, all of a...
You may also have to install a copy of the Macola application on the Citrix box and have Citrix users run it from there, vs. running it off of another server. This is mentioned in the Macola documentation somewhere, and seems to be necessary in virtually all installs. Otherwise, timing issues...
I have been running Macola 7.5.103f on SQL Server 2000 & Win 2003 Server for 2+ months now. I have experienced no 2003 specific issues, and am quite pleased with 2003 server.
Thanks for the input!
In the meantime, on the Macola website I found a statement to the effect that they had done extensive testing running on Win 2003 Server beta, with no issues, and that they expect to officially support the OS within several weeks. That being the case I have decided to...
I'm about to migrate from P.SQL 2000 to MS SQL Server 2000, and am running Progression 7.6.100. As I am setting up a new server and am impressed with what I am hearing about the stability, speed and security of Windows 2003 Server, I am strongly tempted to run on 2003 and forego a later upgrade...
More info- The order entry screen does eventually load, but every time that you touch a key or click the mouse the 380 error message pops up again. It is impossible to use the VBA environment debugging tools because of this.
It doesn't get that far. The event that lauches the code is the Ship_via lose_focus event from the order entry screen, but the error shows up while the order entry screen is loading, before you key in any data.
I have a very simple Flex script that pops open a window displaying some customer-specific info from the Order Entry screen in Macola (7.5.103f), when the ShipVia field loses focus. I am running this on Win98 machines. It runs fine on most machines, but on two (so far) I get this run-time error...
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