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Search results for query: *

  1. handlewithcare

    returning thin client machine name

    The CLIENTNAME environment is set to "CONSOLE" on some xp workstations after they have had a thin client session running. I'm not sure why this happens, and only on some workstations (could be version of XP?), so I've put this in to overcome this problem. I have my fingers crossed...
  2. handlewithcare

    returning thin client machine name

    I use the following VB to do this... If Trim(Environ(&quot;CLIENTNAME&quot;)) <> &quot;&quot; And UCase(Trim(Environ(&quot;CLIENTNAME&quot;))) <> &quot;CONSOLE&quot; Then MsgBox Trim(Environ(&quot;CLIENTNAME&quot;)) If the client is running TS, then the clients machine name is returned.
  3. handlewithcare

    sql transaction log

    We experienced this problem when our SQL backups were failing due to file locking problems on the server, solved by deleting the old backups. You might also want to try increasing the number of transaction backups if this doesn't work.
  4. handlewithcare

    Btrieve 7 for Netware 5

    The BSETUP of the past seems to have been replaced with the Pervasive Control Centre. If, like me, you are using this from DOS and do not have easy access to the PCC, then I reccommend editing the BTI.CFG file in the servers SYSTEM directory. Hope this helps.
  5. handlewithcare

    Running DOS Apps after Pervasive 7 to Pervasive 2000 upgrade

    I've encountered this problem several times, which was due to an old version the BREQUEST.EXE lurking about, the upgrade program does not always seem to remove them, especially if you're using Novell. Do a complete check on both the server and workstation for the BREQUEST.EXE and check the...
  6. handlewithcare

    Accessing Btrieve 7's microKernel Database Engine.

    I did a bit of checking, assuming that the error is not being caused by data corruption, increasing the Active Clients settings should solve this problem. I used the following setup to do this in Pervasive 7. 1. Click Start, Programs, then Pervasive SQL 7. 2. Select Configuration (Setup) from...
  7. handlewithcare

    Accessing Btrieve 7's microKernel Database Engine.

    According to the Pervasive spec, Error 214 occurs when a user has Alter rights to a table and has rights to every column in the table. I'm not 100% sure what this means, but you could try revoking access to the table before making changes to it, and then regranting access afterwards. If you...
  8. handlewithcare

    Accessing Btrieve 7's microKernel Database Engine.

    I find the Pervasive GUI is a bit of a nightmare as it's so different to the previous versions. Try editing the BTI.INI directly and this should help.
  9. handlewithcare

    Data Recovering

    I've found that the BUTIL.EXE utility is the best way to recover files. From the DOS prompt type the following to recover the file CORRUPT.BTR: BUTIL -CLONE CORRUPT.NEW CORRUPT.BTR BUTIL -COPY CORRUPT.BTR CORRUPT.NEW REN CORRUPT.BTR CORRUPT.OLD REN CORRUPT.NEW CORRUPT.BTR The first line...
  10. handlewithcare

    How do I use an IF command in a SELECT statement using SQLScope?

    It would appear that SQLScope has no IF or CASE commands. After much searching I found that the following statement can be used to solve this problem; SELECT (if_statement ?? then_condition :: else_condition) AS dataresult FROM datafile Example: SELECT (field > 1000 ?? 'large' ...
  11. handlewithcare

    Additional Pervasive FAQ

    For an additional source of Pervasive information, I can reccommend the Pervasive development-talk room. http://devtalk.pervasive.com/ I don't work for them, but I love to share information that I have found useful.
  12. handlewithcare

    Additional Pervasive FAQ

    For an additional source of Pervasive information, I can reccommend the Pervasive development-talk room. http://devtalk.pervasive.com/ I don't work for them, but I love to share information that I have found useful.
  13. handlewithcare

    Data malipulation in a VIEW

    Thanks for trying this, I suspect it's a problem with my RDBMS.&nbsp;&nbsp;As a test removed simplified the statement to:<br>SELECT *,<br>CASE WHEN (Datafield &lt; 0)<br>THEN<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;52755 <br>ELSE<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;12785<br>END NewDatafield<br>FROM tbltest<br><br>I'm...
  14. handlewithcare

    Data malipulation in a VIEW

    Thanks,<br><br>I've tried to include this into a SELECT statement, but I'm getting an invalid statement error. Any ideas?<br><br>SELECT <br>CASE WHEN (datafield &lt; 0 )<br>THEN<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;datafield + 52755 <br>ELSE<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;datafield - 12785<br>END<br>FROM...
  15. handlewithcare

    Changing Btrieve interrupt vector

    A large group of us have looked into this one before.&nbsp;&nbsp;It seems that the Interrupt Vector is coded into the software not changeable.&nbsp;&nbsp;Our solution was to change the other software accordingly.&nbsp;&nbsp;Hope this helps.
  16. handlewithcare

    Btrieve 6.15.x and Netware 5.1

    We have completed this upgrade and it worked fine, but performance did suffer.&nbsp;&nbsp;Upgradeing Btrieve 6.15 to Pervasive.SQL 2000 seemed to solve the problem.
  17. handlewithcare

    Data malipulation in a VIEW

    I have an application that, due to Y2K and other issues, stores dates in an unusual format.&nbsp;&nbsp;To read this data as number of days since 01/01/1900, negative values must be added by 52755 and positive values must be subtracted by 12785.&nbsp;&nbsp;I am trying to create a VIEW the will...

Part and Inventory Search
