I'm trying to automate various processes using VBScript. However, I can't find any way to have a script detect what is being displayed to the screen.
For example, one program I use prompts for a login. I could make it wait a certain amount of time, except that occasionally, the program hangs up...
I'm trying to write a batch program to make a daily checklist of proceedures based on what day it is. But I can't find anything for operators like AND or OR to use in IF statements for Win2K command prompt. If need be, I could use nested IFs for AND, and separate IFs for OR, but some of the...
Yes the speakers are fine. I run the straight-compiled exe and it works. Turn around on the same machine and run the packaged and installed version and it doesn't play the sounds. The sound files do get installed to the same folder as the program. As far as the waveOutGetNumDevs API, I haven't...
Here is the code I've been using to play sounds:
In a module:
Public SoundOption As Boolean
Public Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "sndPlaySoundA" _
(ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long
To play it:
Call sndPlaySound(App.Path +...
That didn't work. Comes up with a 'object or data member not found' error. When I type the "mnuSound.", the four options that pop up are Count, Item, LBound, and Ubound.
If I use mnusound.item, the option for checked shows up, but if I use it, it highlights item and gives a 'argument...
I've found how to make a checked menu item and it changes the variable the way I want, but I can't get clicking on that menu item to toggle the checkmark. It either always has the check, or always doesn't. I need code to change that property on runtime.
If it helps, the item I want to have the...
My program plays sounds (WAV files using MS Multimedia Control) for various events. However, frequently events promting a sound occur in rapid succession in the code.
The two ways I've figured out:
1. Each sound stops the previous one before playing, resulting in only the last one in the order...
Found my own solution on this, no thanks to you people! :-P
Anyway, in case someone else comes across this problem, set the button's MaskColor the same as its BackColor and set UseMaskColor to 'True'.
I'm making a game with a grid of grgaphical buttons, using the button background colors to indicate the start points for the players and computer opponent. Unfortunately, if a game ends with the player clicking one of the buttons in the grid and starts a new game, the last button clicked in the...
That silly little new statement was it. That's an interesting concept...declaring a variable, yet it doesn't completely create it.
Thanks for the help!
I am making a simple game, and am having difficulty using a small form to set the name of the player. The name variable is part of a class called 'Player' and is currently set as a public variable (happened during my debugging process). the player-class variable Player1 is declared as public on...
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