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Search results for query: *

  1. corchard

    DELETE Query issues

    Thanks Duane! This one worked! And for the record, no the field names weren't "Name" and "Date" ;-) Just there for example purposes. Group however IS a field name pumped out by another piece of software. I could change it, but if specified as .[Group] it seems to work. Thanks for taking the...
  2. corchard

    DELETE Query issues

    Hi guys, I have a table [20120627CSV] with 200k records in it and a Column called Group. I need to delete all records that do not belong to more than one group. e.g. Name | Date | Group --------------------- Record1 | date | 1 Record2 | date | 1 Record3 | date | 2 Record4 | date | 3 Record5...
  3. corchard

    Disabling links using css for a print preview

    Brilliant vonGrunt! That will work great, and since the particular issue is on an intranet with fixed client machines (javascript enforced) your suggestion addresses the needs perfectly. Thank you all for your input! Chris "Illegitimis non carborundum" (don't let the b@st@rds get...
  4. corchard

    Disabling links using css for a print preview

    Quite good Ideas guys, but I'm afraid it doesn't quite meet the challenge. Though I'm leaning towards vragabond as a backup, foamcow is closer. Some of our site does a no decorate on text, so the users may sill quite likely click on a link even if its not an apparent link. Foamcow's idea, the...
  5. corchard

    Disabling links using css for a print preview

    I use a CMS that automatically publishes a print variant of every page in my site. I'd like to use a different CSS for the print version that will disable the hyperlinks that may be on that page, so people don't navigate through the print variant version of the website. Anyone know how to...
  6. corchard

    Packaging Access DBs for non-Access users

    On the same vein (I think) I have some access 97 and some access 2000 dbs I'd like to turn into standalone applications. They are too complicated to go the VB6 route. Do you know if I can turn them into applications using Microsoft Visual Studio Tools 2003? or do I have to get Access 2003...
  7. corchard

    Custom cursor control...

    Thanks Bill, I have modified your suggestions to the following: In the Declarations of a public module Declare Function LoadCursorFromFile Lib "user32.dll" Alias "LoadCursorFromFileA" (ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long Declare Function SetCursor Lib...
  8. corchard

    Custom cursor control...

    I seem to remember in VB being able to affect the cursor property from code. In Access 97, can you change the cursor's source to a custom *.cur ? (The docmd.hourglass method does not suit my needs.) Thanks in advance Chris "Illegitimis non carborundum" (don't let the b@st@rds get...
  9. corchard

    Editing Stored Pass-through Queries via VB

    I have an existing Pass-through query that I need to edit on the fly using code. Specifically I need to replace a string in this passthrough query then save it back into the project whereas another Make Table query will access it. I've tried using CreateQueryDef, but whenever I try to specify...
  10. corchard

    Popup Message on intranet

    Let's take this to the next level... I also have created an in-house messanging utility using the above, but want to display a message if the user being netsend'd is not online. I've tried using the .err collection, but no luck. is there an event or a ?? associated with the wscript.shell...
  11. corchard

    Server Error in '/' Application

    1) create a text file named: &quot;web.config.txt&quot; 2) open it and put in the following: <!-- Web.Config Configuration File --> <configuration> <system.web> <customErrors mode=&quot;Off&quot;/> </system.web> </configuration> 3) Save the file, 4) rename the file to...
  12. corchard

    Force Capital letters

    Great quote StuckInTheMiddle. We have to remind ourselves, asp.net is NOT a client-side programming language. It is Server-Sided one, and as such, we are best when we learn the logistics behind the two very different methods. &quot;Illegitimis non carborundum&quot; (don't let the b@st@rds get...
  13. corchard

    New System.Drawing.Bitmap problem...

    Found the problem ...well fixed it, by changing: Dim tb as New System.Drawing.Bitmap(iwid, iHt, PixelFormat.Format24BPPRGB) to: Dim tb as New System.Drawing.Bitmap(cInt(iwid), cInt(iHt), PixelFormat.Format24BPPRGB) Go Figure :-P &quot;Illegitimis non carborundum&quot; (don't let the b@st@rds...
  14. corchard

    Force Capital letters

    If you want it to be dynamic, correcting as the user types it, I may be incorrect, but I believe JavaScript will be your only solution. Chris &quot;Illegitimis non carborundum&quot; (don't let the b@st@rds get you down)
  15. corchard

    New System.Drawing.Bitmap problem...

    &quot;BC30519: Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'New' can be called without a narrowing conversion&quot; referring to the line &quot;Dim tb as New System.Drawing.Bitmap(iwid, iHt, PixelFormat.Format24BPPRGB)&quot; below. If I replace the variable: iwid with a physical integer...
  16. corchard

    Using VB Split() to create an array with Access 97

    Thanks Everyone, I guess this is just another one for everyone to find. I have made the function to do the job in the end. --------------------------------------- Public Function Split(str, delimeter) Dim Cnt As Byte, plc As Long plc = 0 Cnt = 0 'count occurances of delimeter Do While...
  17. corchard

    Using VB Split() to create an array with Access 97

    I know the Split() function was introduced in VB6, but I'm wondering how I can get Access 97 to recognize/use it to turn a string into an array. I have attermpted to change the References to address it, but from what I can see, the Reference: &quot;Visual Basic for Applications&quot; is the...
  18. corchard

    Duh, is there an easy way to stop code?

    No I'm afraid Return False wasn't working, so I just recoded to validate with an if statement. More code, but probably more reliable in the long run. Thanks for your help! C &quot;Illegitimis non carborundum&quot; (don't let the b@st@rds get you down)
  19. corchard

    Duh, is there an easy way to stop code?

    Thanks Jemminger, I have tried &quot;return false;&quot; Doesn't return; simply send the step back to the spot the function was called from? and then continue code process? C
  20. corchard

    Duh, is there an easy way to stop code?

    I have a very complicated process of functions and code, and wondered if there is an easy way to halt or stop the code midway through the process like Break; does for a loop. Something like exit or end? ...without causing a javascript error message that is ;-)

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