Packard Bell 2030 sneaks in under radar
By: Jørgen Sundgot, Wednesday, 30.10.02 11:56 GMT
While we weren't watching, Packard Bell's latest contribution to the handheld market - the PocketGear 2030 Pocket PC - snuck in with a low price tag and advanced features.
While Packard Bell has had its...
This might help finding what other registry keys it touches
the following thread 616-115669 talks about that
twopoint (MIS) Aug 3, 2001
btw there is a Sysinternals Process Explorer that tells you exactly what you application is accessing, makes...
Hello people
The following is my research into a good primer for C#
C# Primer Plus
Klaus Michelsen
Retail Price: $44.99
Our Price: $35.99
Format: Paperback, 971pp.
ISBN: 0672321521
Publisher: Sams
Pub. Date: October 2001
Barnes & Noble Sales Rank: 107,539
From the...
Hi guy
Why not pose this unique problem to the experts at newsgroup. I am sure you will get immediate attention. And a problem that needs to be addressed. After reading your post it scares me. I was planning on codeing for several agencies but I don't need a headache like this.
Hi guy
I suggest you visit Dbase Inc. and post this problem in their newsgroup. You will likely get immediate attention.
hope this helps
Hi Rosz
I'm running the current version (db2k) of Visual Dbase on an XP machine. I havn't encounted any problems other than with XP itself but that's another forum.
Your actually in the wrong forum, there is a Visual dbase forum although it is incorrectly labeled as a product of Borland...
Hi guys
Proteus1935, You need to sit down and describe the very nature of your problem. What is it your trying to do?. Why do you need to share variables between VB and DB. On a network or home PC?. Why is writing and reading too slow?
Others can only help if you provide enough informtion...
And by the time they discover you were writing all that stuff in RUBY...they won't be able to fire you because they won't have a Ruby :)
Hi guy
You need a Disk Utility to verify the intrgrity of your hard disk to start. Norton Utility is good for that. And I think Symantic has a 30 day evaluation.
Norton Utilities 2002 for Windows
Norton Utilities 2002 optimizes your PC's performance and solves computer problems easily...
IBM WebSphere : Competitive review
... WebSphere competitive review, ... offers far broader functionality than the basic Oracle
portal. The IBM WebSphere Portal Server includes personalization ...
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