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Search results for query: *

  1. nealvenables

    Running Batch or Script on Resume From Standby

    Thanks! I'll have a play with this code when I've got an afternoon free :)
  2. nealvenables

    Can windows xp temporary subdirectories files be deleted

    Unless a process has a file in the Temp folder open it's safe to delete anything in there. In fact, it can be a good idea security-wise to empty the Temp folder regularly. I use a utility called TempCleaner to empty my temp directory on bootup - you'll find it here http://www.ipaw.net/index.php
  3. nealvenables

    Running Batch or Script on Resume From Standby

    Hi, Short version of this question first:- Is it possible to configure WinXP Pro so that it automatically executes a batch file (or other type of script) whenever it resumes from standby mode? Longer version:- I use a PCI latency utility to override the default PCI latencies on my PC...
  4. nealvenables

    how to convert string into datetime

    D'oh! This string is being constructed in VB or Acces VBA isn't it? If Access, try: "TimeSheet.MonthYear = '" & format(formonth, "dd mmm yyyy") & "'" I don't know off-hand what the VB equivelent of Access' format function is, but if your code is running in VB...
  5. nealvenables

    how to convert string into datetime

    Hi, Try "TimeSheet.MonthYear = '" & cast(formonth as datetime) & "'"
  6. nealvenables

    Simple Audit Trail?

    Hi, Try this... dim adoCMD as new adodb.command dim strSQL as string <your TransferSpreadsheet and msgbox code here> strSQL = _ &quot;INSERT INTO tblExport (User, [Computer Name], [Date]) &quot; & _ &quot;SELECT '&quot; & Environ(&quot;username&quot;) & &quot;' as Expr1, &quot; & _...
  7. nealvenables

    Error Handling - What error handling?

    Hi, At the very least, error trapping keeps your application up and running (especially important if it has been compiled as an mde), without presenting your user with too many unfriendly system dialog boxes. A very simple error trap would look like this: public sub MyProc() dim strMsg as...
  8. nealvenables

    Excel + ADO + Installable ISAM error

    Thanks Doug. Excellent suggestion and excellent resources too.
  9. nealvenables

    Zero fill a string - format? array?

    Hi, You could also use: strBalanceSc = format((rstOCR!Balance * 100),&quot;000000000&quot;)
  10. nealvenables

    Excel + ADO + Installable ISAM error

    This is driving me nuts! I'm trying to open an ADO connection to an Excel file, so that I can load the contents of the Excel file into an ADO recordset. The code looks like this... adoCNN_XL.ConnectionString = _ &quot;Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;&quot; & _ &quot;Data Source=&quot; &...
  11. nealvenables

    forms too quick for tables?

    Hi, Open the form in acDialog mode, e.g. ' Open a form that will effect the rowsource of me.lstitems docmd.openform &quot;myForm&quot;,,,,,acDialog ' The following line will not execute until frmMyForm has closed me.lstItems.requery
  12. nealvenables

    Attaching tables error in Access 2002

    Hi, This may not be exactly what you're looking for, but in 2000 I've always used DoCmd.TransferDatabase with the acLink constant to link tables.
  13. nealvenables

    Conditional field display problem

    Surprised that there's a subquery involved here(!). Can you post the SQL statement that your query is based on and I'll take a peek...
  14. nealvenables

    Delete Multiple Objects

    Hi, If you could persuade your users to be disciplined in naming their queries, e.g. by prefixing them all with user_, then you could clean them up programtically. Public Sub RemoveOldQueries(dtmCreatedBefore As Date) Dim daoDB As DAO.Database Dim daoQDF As DAO.QueryDef Set...
  15. nealvenables

    Conditional field display problem

    Hi, Try this query... SELECT FilmTitle, iif((Responsibility like &quot;*produced*&quot; or Responsibility like &quot;*direct*&quot;), &quot;&quot;, Responsibility) FROM YourTable
  16. nealvenables

    Postcode fixing

    Hi, This is a SQL procedure I developed recently to ensure postcodes always have a space in the correct place - the syntax should be easy enough to convert into an Access function (I've added a few comments to help) <code> -- Make sure the postcode has a space in the right place --...
  17. nealvenables

    Open Modal / Dialog form as object with VBA code.

    The trick here is to open the form in acDialog mode (as opposed to making visible). e.g. docmd.openform &quot;frmOkYesNo&quot;,,,,,,acDialog select case frmOkYesNo.Reply ... ... end select
  18. nealvenables

    On no data in form

    You could try putting something along these lines behind the command button that opens the second form (posted on the fly, so some of the syntax will be wrong - should give you the general idea though...) private sub MyCommandButton_Click() dim CNN as new adodb.connection dim RST as new...
  19. nealvenables

    Convert to Julian Date and add leading zeros in one query

    Hi, Did you try embedding one format statement within another? e.g. Format(Format([Date],&quot;y&quot;),&quot;000&quot;)
  20. nealvenables

    problem with DoCmd.OpenForm

    Hi, I'm pretty sure a datasheet form is actually a table/query (and vice-versa) so this may never work as you anticipate. You could try making your datasheet form a sub-form of a new parent form and have your code open the parent instead?

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