I would check your IP Address, Your Machine Name, make certain that there are no dupicates on the network.
I assume that you have the subnet mask set correct.
Are you using Static Addresses or DCHP?
Hope this helps some. It's a place to start.
It sounds like a system file of an older version has replaced a newer one. I would check the file versions.(I have have been running Windows 2000 Pro for a year. So, I am not certain where you find the tool at in ME.) But there is a Version file checker utility.
You can check versions also by...
As far as I know, all flavors of Internet Explorer has this add in Wizard. (Internet connection Wizard)If I recall, there are three radio buttons.
1. No ISP
2. I aready have a ISP
3. I connect Via a LAN
Option 3 is the easiest way out.
Option 2 will guide to connect to your current ISP.
Defragmenting I think did not occur as much, a few years back. However, applications are many times the size that they use to be.
The amount of defragmentation also depends on how your paging file is configured. It is good to have the file static to a set size. You can determine the ideal size...
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