I have a memo feild in SQL that stores rich text, so that it looks like *{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}}*. I need to display the text so that it keeps all its formatting when displayed on a report. Can anyone help in doing this without...
Does anyone know how I can get the text out of an rtf file?
when I open it in word all I see is the text itself. I want to be see all the formatting rich text code so I can store it in sql. For example in I Word I see:
Written in Red. (text appears red)
What I want to store in my database is...
I have an app that is going to be distributed to users shortly. I have used the microsoft access security wizard to secure all my forms queries ect... but should my program ever error it always brings up the option to debug it, thus leaving my code visible. We have written a lot of custom...
Is there anyway that I can refresh the links in my .mdb so that a user name is passed to SQL so that the permissions for that user name can be determined???
I am very new to this subject so any value info would be appreciated.
Thanks in Advance,
when I try to use this I get an error that says "file not found" here is the code that I used:
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fso.copyfile "c:\CopyFrom", "c:\CopyTo"
I have confirmed that the paths for both...
Does anyone know where I can find information to move and copy files programatically in VBA? I have found lots of information on the net but none of the VB code seems to want to compile in VBA. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Does anyone know where I can find information to move and copy files programatically in VBA? I have found lots of information on the net but none of the VB code seems to want to compile in VBA. Any help is greatly appreciated!
What is the best way to remove selected items from a list box in VBA??? I think from what I can gather that you cannot use the listbox.RemoveItem in VBA. Or is this a problem with my access setup???
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thanks in Advance,
When asked what he thought about...
I am trying to use the .AddItem control to put items into a list box. When I try to complile I get the error "method or data member not found". In the object browser I can see that there are 2 listbox's listed. One has this method the other does not. How can I use this control...
The commands are not written in a language. Have you ever used the DOS system? They are just a series of commands. If you search for "MS-DOS Commands" on the web you should be able to to find site on the web that explains in detail the commands and what they do. Yes please e-mail...
A batch file is basically a way of running a series of DOS commands with one command. For example you could run the Hello.bat file to open a .txt file from DOS.
the file would be:
cd My_Folder
now by simply running the hello.bat file these three lines of DOS are ran.
if you put this code in the click event of the list box then it will add a new record of the value selected in the listbox to the table. is this helpful?
Dim db As dao.Database
Dim tbl As dao.Recordset
Dim SQLQuery As String
Set db = CurrentDb
SQLQuery = "SELECT * FROM tblData"
try using this line of code in the form unload event
docmd.setwarnings false
be sure to reverse this with
docmd.setwarnings true
or you will not get any of the prompts that are useful
hope this is helpful
Have you tried just reffering to the name of the text box and setting it = to false.
forms!formname!checkboxname = False
or if its in the current scope
checkboxname = false
Just a thought.
Gosh Benny that's still a little foggy to me. I don't understand what you mean by you have 24 print reports buttons. Are you not saving all 24 combo box's and then running a report on them???
1. I would use check boxes when a user clicks on one programatically the other 2 become false: for...
Simply make a form with the 4 text boxes. in the design view of you query say
= forms!name_of_your_form!name_of_text_box
in the criteria
with this it will pull the data from the form.
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