OK, I'll take a wee bit more time, I thought. Well, I didn't have to, the dark room was suddenly lit. I went wrong by using about 2/3 of a JOIN, ofcourse I need an entire JOIN. I merely had to alias both tables used in order to get a correct recordset. Aaaaaarrghh ... I just aliased one which...
I'm probably looking at it with too much haste, as always things have to be done & dealt with by yesterday. Perhaps I made a big cow'ish typo. OK, in words: Two tables, one with occurances, the second with a description of all occurances. I look up the description of occurances in table2 by...
This looks like almost bingo, I'm working with it! However, the
"join db.table2
on table1.col2 = table2.col2"
statement assumes that there's a date in both tables. The date only resides in table1. Table2 has no date.
I'm in need of this
"table1.col3 = table2.col1 AND...
Wow, is this fast! I'm impressed. The GROUP BY I left out for now, as I thought things would become to complicated, it could be the date though, column ab, for these are the same (in pairs). These two rows are a pair:
3830 | 2004-01-26 15:26:06 | 137 | 101 | 1169 | 137 | 101 | pin-mcr ok
3830 |...
Hi! I'm fairly new to the more challenging MySQL queries. I'm currently wrestling with something that probably justifies a JOIN of some sort. Here's two SELECT statements that I want to combine;
SELECT table1.col1 aa, table1.col2 ab, table1.col3 ac, table1.col4 ad, table1.col5 ae...
Hi :-)
I came across a similar error message when I converted the drive where a website & the database resided on from FAT32 to NTFS. The IIS server was all setup OK & had the correct user-priviliges & permissions set. I forgot, however, to do the same for the database which resides in a...
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