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  • Users: CL328
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  1. CL328

    Help with figuring out why certain aspect of page loads slow?

    check it out now :) there are a few things I can tweak (gif vs. jpg) AND I could do the same thing for the left side bar that I did for the top one.... but that just takes longer :) Actually... IT would be even better and I eventually will do that to the left side :) anyway.. thanks NOTE: I...
  2. CL328

    Help with figuring out why certain aspect of page loads slow?

    thanks all... well, the flash movie is ONLY 30kb. On the server, I changed the name of the flash file so it would not pull it up :) I'm on a fast cable modem, but I see the "blank" in the top bar menu... and that KILLS me... it just looks SO BAD.... you know what I mean. I will change the...
  3. CL328

    Help with figuring out why certain aspect of page loads slow?

    hello, I have this page, excuse the url... just a testing spot... http://www.lose-body-weight.com/b/index.html Did you notice the top menu bar, in the middle... it is the last thing to load up. WHY? The whole page is very slim (may be only 40 kb total)!! It happens on all the pages. THIS is...
  4. CL328

    The document.write( "embedde object") has NS error

    Hi, I have the following Javascript code: If Netscape and Flash 6 installed Then document.write(' <img src=&quot;&quot; width=&quot;1&quot; height=&quot;1&quot;>'); document.write('<object classid=&quot;clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000&quot...
  5. CL328

    Flash detection... I'm close, but need a little help

    This script detects if flash 6 is installed. If yes, then display movie, If no, then display image. HOWEVER, in netscape, I can tell which version of flash is installed. When in netscape and wrong version of flash installed, a blank area appears where the flash movie &quot;would&quot; appear...
  6. CL328

    Detetecting Flash VERSION in IE and NN... help

    This is closer, but not working: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var ie = (agt.indexOf(&quot;msie&quot;) != -1); var ns = (navigator.appName.indexOf(&quot;Netscape&quot;) != -1); var win =...
  7. CL328

    Detetecting Flash VERSION in IE and NN... help

    I'm going to try this... BUT For NN, it is not detecting the version? Any ideas? <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=&quot;JavaScript&quot;> if (navigator.appName == &quot;Netscape&quot;) { if (navigator.plugins[&quot;Shockwave Flash&quot;]){ document.write(' <img src=&quot;&quot...
  8. CL328

    Detetecting Flash VERSION in IE and NN... help

    THis is my goal: Have web page check for Flash 6. If browswer has Flash 6 Then show flash movie ELSE show image. I don't want anything else to happen. This is what I have so far, which works except of the checking of Flash 6. Can someone point me in the right direction/show me how to replace...
  9. CL328

    can't edit .jpg in Freehand 10... newbie ?

    Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong: 1. open a .jpg in Freehand 10 2. the image is selected 3. right click and chose color control 4. I edit the colors, etc and image does not change what gives? I guess I need to do something or set something. If I start out with a blank page and...
  10. CL328

    FW MX... export jpg with white background gives slight tint color...

    The problem was that I was optimizing the image to much or softing the image to much. When that happened and I exported it, the background of the image was slightly changed... it that makes since to you. thanks
  11. CL328

    FW MX... export jpg with white background gives slight tint color...

    Hello, I've noticed somthing strange with firworks mx, Not sure if it is me or something I'm doing or a bug... I have an image with a transparent background. The png file has the transparent background and export it is a jpg. When doing this, as in the preview screen, the background ground...
  12. CL328

    Can I do this in CSS: different &quot;link&quot; classes?

    still not working... here is a page it does not work on... http://www.texastaxinvestfund.com/pg/tax_plan_work.htm the links under the images any ideas? thanks
  13. CL328

    Can I do this in CSS: different &quot;link&quot; classes?

    my style sheet looks like this: a.navlink:link { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bolder; color: #000000; text-decoration: underline; } a.navlink:hover { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-weight...
  14. CL328

    Can I do this in CSS: different &quot;link&quot; classes?

    uhm... now I have this and it still does not work. <td width=&quot;78&quot; valign=&quot;top&quot;> <p><a href=&quot;../index.html&quot;><img src=&quot;../img/flag.gif&quot; width=&quot;78&quot; height=&quot;46&quot; border=&quot;0&quot;></a><br> <a class=&quot;navlink&quot...
  15. CL328

    Can I do this in CSS: different &quot;link&quot; classes?

    Wait... Something is not working... <td width=&quot;78&quot; valign=&quot;top&quot;><p><a href=&quot;../index.html&quot;><img src=&quot;../img/flag.gif&quot; width=&quot;78&quot; height=&quot;46&quot; border=&quot;0&quot;></a><br> <span class=&quot;navlink&quot;><a...
  16. CL328

    Can I do this in CSS: different &quot;link&quot; classes?

    just read the post before mine....(doh!) the answer is a.hover: { } needs to be a.classname.hover: { } sorry
  17. CL328

    Can I do this in CSS: different &quot;link&quot; classes?

    Hi, this is what I'm trying to do: I want to have the 4 properties of a link (active, hover, link, visited) on a page to be defined. Now, I was to define 2 sets. Example: navigation links look/feel one way and body links look/feel another way. Right now, I only have one: a:link {...
  18. CL328

    Can anyone tell me why these template pages....

    don't act right??? http://www.texastaxinvestfund.com/index.html 1. the a.link, a.hover, etc. don't work correctly? 2. the free quote and workshop page is messed up? All pages SHOULD be exactly the same... but they are not... very weird thanks for your help
  19. CL328

    What DNS server can/should I use to look up IP address?

    Hello, I am running Sawmill (traffic analyzing software) and want to do reverse lookups, but I need to enter in a DNS server. Which one do I use? I'm on Road Runner, but it sucks or doesn't work. Aren't there DNS servers for the public? Also, why do some IP address have names and other just...
  20. CL328

    Need help with PC &quot;freezing up&quot; problem...

    Well, my pc has not &quot;froze&quot; up all week. Not sure if it is because I change the video stuff or because I have not logged off the pc. thanks

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