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  • Congratulations Mike Lewis on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. pjames

    Windows 2000 Issue remote routing

    Coming from a Programming background could you be more specific? The concept eludes me. thanks, preston
  2. pjames

    Windows 2000 Issue remote routing

    I am having a issue with Windows 2000 server and routing and remote access. The server is a DC running as a DHCP server and firewall(utilizing Black Ice server edition). The server contains two NIC's and I will refer to them as "WAN" and "LAN" The WAN is connected to a...
  3. pjames

    Does con.execute("Insert blah") open a recordset on the SQL server?

    'The connection will return a Closed RecordSet only If the Query is a non row returning execution. Other wise it returns a open recordset. VALUES(" & rs("fld1")& ")" Will also retun a null since the rs.close was called prior to the request of the field Also The MoveNext...
  4. pjames

    Can I call a "dynamic" function?

    To the best of my knowledge that cannot be done. What you could do is a Select Case with the possibilities of the QueryString. <A herf='thispage.asp?func=FunctionOne'>Click Me</A> 'thispage.asp Function YourFunction(ByVal strQuery) Select Case Case &quot;FunctionOne&quot...
  5. pjames

    ADODB Connection error

    'I would lose the DNS and go for the jet provider. '1) Change &quot;tblYourTable&quot; on line 3 to the table you are accessing '2) Change &quot;c:\dbYourDataBase.mdb&quot; on line 4 to the database path and name you want to open. '3) Change &quot;strYourField&quot; To the field you want obtain...
  6. pjames

    negative recordcount in mysql

    Set your cursor location to 3 RS.CursorLocation = 3
  7. pjames

    recordset error

    Please post the rest of the script. Also make sure every object has been set. I personaly like to establish my recorset as follows... Dim strCon Dim strSQL Dim objRecordSet Set objRecordSet = Sever.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.RecordSet&quot;) 'Pick One'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''...
  8. pjames

    Chart printed on mulitple pages?

    It would have to be a printable option.
  9. pjames

    Chart printed on mulitple pages?

    I am using the version of crystal reports bundled with Visual Studio.net. I have a very large chart report I need to span over multiple pages. How can I accomplish this?
  10. pjames

    Crystal 9 Help!!!!!!

    I wanted to create a stand alone crystal report engine install so i can distribute it with out having the user install the entire vb.net project. I added the required files to the setup project. crnetruntime.msm, license.msm, mapping.msm and reportengine.msm I then added my keycode for...
  11. pjames

    Active Server Page Connection To AS/400

    The Only Way I Know Of Is Thru OLE DB strConnect = _T(&quot;Provider=IBMDA400;Data source=AS400;User Id=Username;Password=Password;&quot;); Would Be The String
  12. pjames

    can you tell me why.....

    Try Converting PageNo to a integer CInt(PageNo)
  13. pjames

    I am developing a set of simple web

    Make Sure You Have The newest MDAC installed on the server.
  14. pjames

    HELP! How can I Unprotect A Project Thru VBA

    I'm Trying Unprotect A Project In A Word Document Thru VBA Is this possible? I have a solution now using send keys but I find it hard to believe this is the only way. Any help would be great!!!!
  15. pjames

    How Do I Determine The Version Of Word By A Document From Excel

    I'm trying to determine the version of word by the document it was created in from excel. Any help would be appreciated.
  16. pjames

    trouble by inserting dataset with ultradev

    Please Send The error Message
  17. pjames

    How can i print web page with Print Dialog box in new window.

    There Is A Issue With Trying To Pass Your &quot;JavaScript:myPrint();&quot; To The Object. This Code Should Work For You. <HTML> <HEAD> <OBJECT ID=&quot;WB&quot; Width=&quot;0&quot; Height=&quot;0&quot; ClassID=&quot;clsid:8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2&quot;></OBJECT> <SCRIPT...
  18. pjames

    I am calling a sub that checks if t

    I would first move the validation to the onsubmit function of the form. Make sure you include the &quot;ID&quot; property on the objects and set them the same as the &quot;name&quot; property. <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=vbscript> function SaveSales_onsubmit() IF (NOT isnumeric(SaveSales.sales.value))...
  19. pjames

    Dual p3 500's Or a single p3 900 What Is Better?

    We just went from a single P3 800 to a dual P3 500 and it seems we took a preformance hit. The asp pages seem to be running at a slower pace then it previously was, but taskmanager shows we are not comming close to our peak. So The Question is should we upgrade to a single 900 or keep the 500's...
  20. pjames


    Even With The Protection On It Is Still Possible To Delete It. By Going to Edit-Delete Sheet Or By right Clicking on The Sheet Tab And Selecting Delete. I Want To Disable All Of These Options.

Part and Inventory Search
