Ok, I updated the bios... No help there. I replaced the ide cable... no help. I put another hard drive in.. No help, However, I did realize that when I changed the hard drive from the master to the slave position it would not go into this nvidia boot agent program as it was before. I then tried...
When I start my PC and it does the whole DETECTING IDE Drive's thing, It takes about a minute. It finally see's that i have one hard drive and two cd drives. Then it will start booting like normal but when it gets to the part where the windows loading screen comes up. It says DISC BOOT FAILURE...
When I try to install a driver, any driver. It says that it couldn't find the specified file. I can not install my digital camera because it says that. I tried going to add hardware and i have the driver on cd but it still won't work. The same happened with my printer. Any ideas?
Ok, I have a Netgear MA401 wireless card in my laptop with windows 2000 server. My router is a Netgear MR314. I have another computer on my network which is a pc with xp. I can not connect to the other computer at all. I can access the internet but any effort to connect to the other computer...
Yea as i said, hes my friend i asked him because people wanted it on the forums of his site. And he doesnt use photoshop. He uses fireworks and flash. k thanks for your help. I was just wondering.
No, see I didnt make that site. My friend named mtechnik did. And i dont want to do any coding. I just want an easy way to get the exact format of the graphics on that site to become a psd of slices. Do you get what I mean?
No that doesnt help, see im trying to convert the header of http://mdesign.mtechnik.net/index.php into a psd so that everyone can create their own header. Anyone know of an easy way to do this. All and any help would be greatly appirciated.
Hey, this is going to be a long grueling process if you guys dont tell me an easy solution. I need to convert an html page into a psd. I want all the images to become a slices. Is there a simple way to do this? I really hope there is.
I have a hp 9100 cd drive and a mtrp 40x cdrom drive. I am running xp. I have had a problem with some games. I install the games and when i try to play them it asks for the cd even though the cd is in the drive. I changed it to pio only and gotten the latest drivers. Can anyone help?
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