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Search results for query: *

  1. CookieNZ

    Database and dataset

    Using insert and update commands I update an access database immediately, but do not update the dataset in memory. How do I do this? I don't think dropping the connection removes the dataset from memory? I would have though that dbsupport.update(dssupport, "SupportCall") would do...
  2. CookieNZ

    I am passing a variable from one on

    I am passing a variable from one one to the another e.g. Public Sub mysub(ByVal number As Integer) cmdsupport = dbconn.CreateCommand cmdsupport.CommandText = "select * from supportcall where ID = '" & number & "'" dbsupport.Fill(dssupport, "SupportCall") However...
  3. CookieNZ

    INSERT INTO statement

    strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblHistory (catno, wo, cust_name)" & " VALUES ('" & part & "','" & work & "','" & cust &"')" If part is the name of the text field it should be part.text, work.text and cust.text
  4. CookieNZ

    Commit changes to memory

    I use insert and update statements to make changes to a back end access database. How can I commit the same changes to memory?
  5. CookieNZ

    Classes in VB.net

    Spot on. Ta very much everybody.
  6. CookieNZ

    Classes in VB.net

    Ta works fine, but I am struggling to read the relevant use the private detail_load procedure to automatically populate the relevant text boxes. But In the main form:- Public Sub btndetail_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btndetail.Click Dim...
  7. CookieNZ

    Classes in VB.net

    I am relatively new to VB.Net and to be honest modern programming in general (long gone are the days of Turbo Pascal) and I need some help with classes. I want to pass a variable from one form, so that it can be used as part of connection string in a new form. I have a button that I wish to...
  8. CookieNZ

    String builder

    I want to use a string builder rather than creating the massive string as below. sqlscript = "INSERT INTO Supportcall(ID,Contact,Description,Status,operator,customer,[date],rework,source,module)" & " VALUES('" & txtcallnumber.Text & "','" & txtcallcontact.Text &...
  9. CookieNZ

    Commit changes to data in memory

    The form load routine I employ already contains the select statement. What is the refresh command?
  10. CookieNZ

    Commit changes to data in memory

    I use an insert script to update data in an access database and I can see the record has been amended by view the raw data. However, unless I shut down my application and restart it the data in memory is not updated. How do I commit the changes to memory as well as the database?
  11. CookieNZ

    Loading data into a combo box

    Having dug around, using the 'Handles cmbstatus.dropdown' for a combo box sub, I can do what I need it do Private Sub cmbstatus_focus(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmbstatus.DropDown statusadapter.Fill(Statusds, "Callstatus") End Sub
  12. CookieNZ

    Loading data into a combo box

    Further to the above I now know what my issue is. When I am navigating through records, the combo box is correctly populated with data from the record. However, I need to allow the user to change the setting in the combo box upon edit. When I fill the combo box with the setting options, it...
  13. CookieNZ


    I have programmatically created a new grid style, but can not seem to get the datagrid to use it. What am I diong wrong? Dim ts As New DataGridTableStyle() Dim cs As DataGridColumnStyle cs = New DataGridTextBoxColumn() cs.Width = 20 cs.MappingName =...
  14. CookieNZ

    Loading data into a combo box

    I have just realised what I have stupidly done. In the form load procedure, I was asking it to fill the combo box AND be populated with the data from the record! Thanks anyway.
  15. CookieNZ

    Loading data into a combo box

    Behing the form load sub,I populate some text and combo boxes with data:- cmbstatus.DataBindings.Add("Text", dssupport.Tables("Supportcall"), "Status") txtoperator.DataBindings.Add("Text", dssupport.Tables("Supportcall"), "Operator")...
  16. CookieNZ

    Form exit controller

    I see it is possible to set which sub a form calls when the escape button is pressed, but is the same feature available if the user hits the form exit controller e.g. the x in the top right corner? If it isn't, how can acheive it in code?
  17. CookieNZ

    Form and Msg box colour

    I have changed the colour of my forms using the custome back color etc.. However, how can you determine the colour that a msgbox is ?
  18. CookieNZ

    Quiting an application

    Why does this code never quit the application? Dim result As DialogResult MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to quit the application?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) If result = DialogResult.Yes Then End Else Exit Sub End If
  19. CookieNZ

    Datagrid columns widths

    Has anybody successfully been able to preset the widths of certain columns in a datagrid? If so, how have you done it?
  20. CookieNZ

    Enable colour


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