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Search results for query: *

  1. McMerfy

    using CASE statments with radio button group?

    Hi everyone Small correction here: cleared only RadioButtons placed on the same control (as far as i remember), i.e. if you place some RBs on a panel and some on the form then you'll have two "groups" of RBs. HTH --- McMerfy
  2. McMerfy

    Indy 10,Please help

    Hi, As far as I remember INDY servers, you don't need to "manually" run OnExecute event on server side, it fired automatically every time a client sends something. So you only need to ReadLn periodically on client side and take a closer look at ReadLn method, it should have TimeOut param. HTH...
  3. McMerfy

    Automatic hourglass?

    Hey there Don't have deplhi help nearby, but as far as i remember there is an array of cursors, something like Screen.Cursors. You can change Screen.Cursors[SQLCursor] (for more details take a look at the helps) to any cursor you need. HTH --- McMerfy
  4. McMerfy

    Deleting Applications After Terminate

    Hey ther I guess I didn't explain my idea full enough :) well going further: Windows surely will not allow to delete a program that is currently running, but prior to starting a second instance of you APP you can copy it to another file, say, you program's name is MyApp.exe, when it starts it...
  5. McMerfy

    controls are still feeling your clicks

    Hey there Prior to finding a workaround try to process the messages first. button1.visible := false; Application.ProcessMessages; ..... button1.visible := true; HTH --- McMerfy
  6. McMerfy

    Deleting Applications After Terminate

    Hey hey If we are discuusing the ideas then here's one. Sorry I don't have time to write sample code at the moment, but the idea is quite simple. I was doing it when needed to make self updating application. Idea: Every time the application (APP1) is started, it starts another instance of...
  7. McMerfy

    How to cancel DELETE in ADOTable1.BeforeDelete?

    Hey there. procedure ... // this is your routine that calls to Post method // of your Table begin ... try ADOTable1.Post; except ADOTable1.Cancel; end; ... end; procedure ADOTable1BeforePost(...); begin ... if (not <your condition>)then Abort(); ... end; HTH...
  8. McMerfy

    Where to save/read config file?

    Yep, but in this case I don't need to know where the reg key is located ;) --- McMerfy
  9. McMerfy

    Where to save/read config file?

    Hey there uses ShlObj; ... function GetDefaultSavePath(): String; var APath : pChar; begin GetMem(APath, MAX_PATH + 1); SHGetSpecialFolderPath(Application.Handle, APath, CSIDL_PERSONAL, False); SetString(Result, APath, lstrlen(APath)); Result := Trim(Result); FreeMem(APath)...
  10. McMerfy

    OpenDialog.execute lock the folder

    Hi FamWS As far as I see it, it's not the problem of OpenDialog, it's the way the file system works. What I mean is that you can not rename/delete a folder if you have opened a file from that folder. --- McMerfy
  11. McMerfy

    SQL help

    Hey there My version of what you need: SELECT * FROM USER WHERE (ID_USER = :IDUSER)OR(:ID_USER = -1) if you pass -1 as a query param then you'll get the whole table in your slect otherwise it will be zero or one record. HTH --- McMerfy
  12. McMerfy

    How do I make this function available from my library?

    It's up to you. As you've correctly noticed both ways do the job. It's just a way of organizing your code, I always ad "()" to the declarations and calls to procedures and functions when they don't have paramenters so that when listing code I could see that it's a function and not a variable...
  13. McMerfy

    How do I make this function available from my library?

    Heya Bobba If I got you right then all you need is to declare your function in interface section. unit ... interface ... function IsConnected(): Boolean; ... implementation ... function IsConnected(): Boolean; var flags: DWORD; begin Result := InternetGetConnectedState(@flags, 0); end...
  14. McMerfy

    Findnearest with lookup field

    Take a look at Steve's reply to your question in thread102-901308
  15. McMerfy

    How do you insert the ' symbol?

    Pikkunero's right. My mistake. Haven't woke up yet. --- McMerfy
  16. McMerfy

    moving to a new laptop

    Hi there As for packeges: take a look at your registry. Path: 'HKCU\Software\Borland\Delphi\5.0\Known Packages'; You can export this key to a file and then import it on your new laptop. Cheers. --- McMerfy
  17. McMerfy

    How do you insert the ' symbol?

    AStr := 'I can''''t do it' --- McMerfy
  18. McMerfy

    Hooking Programs

    Hmmm my mistake. Thought that you're protecting your own app. So we'll need a DLL for hook 'injection'. 1. Here's the unit that is to be used in your app and DLL module. unit UShared; interface uses Windows, Messages; const MemShareName = 'SharedData.mem'; MessageName = 'WM_HOOKEVENT'...
  19. McMerfy

    Hooking Programs

    Can you modify the code of the game? Or is that only the launching program that you can modify? --- McMerfy
  20. McMerfy

    Hooking Programs

    Absolutely correct ;) --- McMerfy

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