Hi all,
I have an annoying problem with TotalPageCount.
I have Crystal Reports version 9.
I have report - function TotalPages Count is equal two, but I see only one page in preview.
If I printed this report only one page is printed too. There are all data in this report. In my opinion - only...
in my opinion, function auto link tables in Database expert link tab in CR 9 is very impractical. Is it possible this function disabled?
Thanks for your answer.
Hi all,
I have this problem:
I have created report in CR 8.5 and I used two configurations of one font. I have several fields in Arial with code page 1250 (middle-europe) and several fields in arial with code page 1251 (cyrilic) in this report.
Now I have done conversion this report from...
Hi all,
I have this problem:
I have created report in CR 8.5 and I used two configurations of one font (middle-europe and cyrilic for russian). I have several fields in middle-europe Arial and several in cyrilic arial in this report.
Now I did conversion from version 8.5 to version 9. And I...
Hi all,
I'm having problem with display of number viewing in CR 8.5.
If I have a decimal number aaa.bb in database, so CR displayed aaabb.00 in CR reports.
next practical examples:
12.58 -> 1258.00
0.28 -> 28.00 etc.
Configuration my PC: Win NT servis pack 6, database oracle
I'm not having duplicate data in database. I already verified it. In addition, this is problem only top and bottom of pages.
I'm having two section details a, details b in my report. There are two subreports in details b. Section details a is printed always. Section details b is printed only...
Hi all,
I'm having problem with record duplicating in CR 8.5.
If I have two-pages report, sometimes the last record from the first page is viewed as the first record in the second page too. In my opinion, this is problem with format section configuration, but I haven't found a mistake.
Can you...
Hi all,
I have one question about page numbering in CR 8.5.
I'm having this problem: report has 4 pages (if I print it, I have 4 pages too), but internal function CR total pages count is 5. The last pages this report is full. I try to change section configuration, but I take not improvement...
Hi all,
I have a problem with a picture definition in CR 8.5 Professional.
According to the value of database field I want to display different pictures in report. Is it possible in CR? For example, can I define picture filename in program code?
Do you have experiences with this problem?
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