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  1. bworley

    NT 4/W2K Trust issue with WINS

    This is still a problem. There were no duplicate entries in the WINS. Another piece of information I've learned is that our site that is connected and working fine is running W2K without active directory. This site that is having the potential WINS problem IS running active directory...
  2. bworley

    NT 4/W2K Trust issue with WINS

    I will check that. The only thing is that this is happening on most all of the workstations on the W2K domain. Where do you think the duplicates (if there are any) would be coming from? Thanks.
  3. bworley

    NT 4/W2K Trust issue with WINS

    We have set up a two-way trust between a Windows NT4 network and a W2K active directory network. We already have one site connected this way, so we felt this would be relatively painless to do. Well, once the trust was established we set up WINS replication between the two sites (as we had done...
  4. bworley

    Messages resent after reboot.

    I have an Exchange 5.5 server (SP4). We were experiencing a lot of messages being queued up (looked like from a workstation infected with a mass-mailing worm). It got to a point where Exch Admin. was locking up, so we tried stopping and starting the IMC service, but this hung while stopping...
  5. bworley

    Problems w/ attachments for some Contacts.

    I have a user who has problems sending emails with attachments to a particular external email account in his Contacts folder. The attachments cannot be opened. This user can send the same attachment to another external email account and it will be delivered and opened without any problems. A...
  6. bworley

    I have 3 nt servers with one of the

    The following link may help you: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;155216 If the link doesn't work, look up KnowledgeBase article 155216 on Microsoft's website. What you're wanting to do, and how clean you want the end result to be will depend on how much downtime you can...
  7. bworley

    Outlook2000 Synchronisation with Exchange 5.5 problems

    Well, based on that information, my next step would be to bring one of the laptops back to the original bldg and test the connection. If the problem no longer exists, then I would be looking for a possible issue with the routing between/withing your VLAN. Are you using a Cisco Catalyst 6500...
  8. bworley

    Outlook2000 Synchronisation with Exchange 5.5 problems

    Lot's of questions: When you say physically moved, do you mean to a different subnet on your network? a different domain? Are you connected to a switch? It would seem odd to me that just laptop users are affected. Are they configured differently compared to desktops? Has anything else...
  9. bworley

    Unable to deliver message (outbound mail)

    How can you determine if a domain (company) is blocking you because they think you're a spammer, or because they run antivirus software that blocks addresses? Or can't you? I know of the spam cops out there, and we have tested our address with all of them and we're clean (we weren't about 4...
  10. bworley

    Header counts exceeds maximum setting error.

    Has anyone dealt with this type of message before? If so, can you help me in determining what is wrong? A mail message was not sent due to a protocol error. 552 websense.setonco.com: your "received:" header counts of 17 exceeds maximum setting 15 The message that caused this...
  11. bworley

    Klez fix tools

    Does anyone know whether the Klez fix tools (in particular, the one from Symantec or the one from Trend Micro) can detect the Klez virus if they're not run with the machine in Safe mode? We want to let our users run these, or put them in the login script, but I'm not sure whether they'll be...
  12. bworley

    How do I find originator of Klez worm?

    This didn't quite work for me. We run Trend Micro's Interscan Viruswall, which basically allows us to forward all outgoing mail thru it to be scanned, and any incoming mail goes thru it to be scanned also. We're running Exchg5.5, with a mixture of Outlook and Outlook Express clients. When I...
  13. bworley

    Trend Micro VS. Sophos or other giants

    I've worked for a computer vendor before and had the chance to experience many of the antivirus leaders out there. I was very pleased with the Sophos product...their product always seemed to be up to date and relatively easy to implement and use. At my current job we use Norton Corporate...
  14. bworley

    How do I find originator of Klez worm?

    I have a question on how to check the header. We are still plagued by the Klez virus, and have been unable to track down the infected machine (nearly 1000 machines to check). We are also running Trend Micro's Interscan Viruswall on an SMTP server. How do I go about viewing the email headers to...
  15. bworley

    POP Mail w/ Multiple Sites

    For many of the recipients, we have gone into the recipient properties, the advanced tab, and changed the "Home Server" to be the new server, and when we click Apply or OK the system transfers the recipients information over to the new server. I can telnet to the new server to port...
  16. bworley

    Multiple DHCP scopes on the same physical segment.

    Our DHCP scope in our main office is quite messed up...many reserved and unused addresses...dynamic address where we want static addresses, etc. So we decided to try to clean this up by creating a second scope, migrating the workstations to the second scope, then recreating the first scope and...
  17. bworley

    How do i set up an SMTP Connector

    To set this up for your site, File/New Other/Site Connector. For a particular recipient, Properties/E-mail Addresses/New/Internet Address.
  18. bworley

    POP Mail w/ Multiple Sites

    Hope somebody has experienced this: We have an NT 4.0 domain and an Exchange 5.5 server. We have some users using Corporate Mail with the Exchange server thru Outlook, and other users are still POP-ing their email off the Exchange server (either thru Outlook Express 5.x or Outlook w/ Internet...

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