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Search results for query: *

  1. exodus300

    Problems with Replace

    cool, but weird... I changed the line to what you suggested. If strSmileyCode is in strNewSource, then it does the Replace, otherwise it goes to the Else part. err... I just noticed. It works when there's one smiley. But when I used a string with two smileys, I get this: Error Type...
  2. exodus300

    Problems with Replace

    I am having problems with the following bit of code: Function FormatMessage(strSource) strNewSource = strSource 'FormatMessage = strNewSource 'Exit Function 'Response.Write "Raw message is:<blockquote>" & strNewSource & "</blockquote>" Set rs_format =...
  3. exodus300

    Upload Button

    put this line at the top of ur file: Response.Buffer = True [Thanks in advance|Hope I helped you] Exodus300 [pc3]
  4. exodus300


    I just thought... does Replace replace every instance of something in a string, or just the first one? cuz if it does all then I won't need the Instr loop. But I'll try what you said and get back to you. [Thanks in advance|Hope I helped you] Exodus300 [pc3]
  5. exodus300

    IIS Application

    Would somebody please point me to a decent tutorial/example of how to create an IIS Application? I've searched and searched and I can't find anything relevant. [Thanks in advance|Hope I helped you] Exodus300 [pc3]
  6. exodus300


    Running Microsoft-IIS/5.1 on XP Pro I'm trying to use Instr and Replace to replace each occurrence of a particular string from a message, like this: Function FormatMessage(strSource) Set rs_format = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") rs_format.Open "SELECT * FROM Smileys", db Do While...
  7. exodus300

    this don't work

    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e10' [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1. /cokeandrumisyum/menu.asp, line 59 this is line59: 59 rs2.Open &quot;SELECT UserName, RegisteredDate FROM Users WHERE RegisteredDate = &quot; & _ 60...
  8. exodus300

    forum code

    Well I tried to use Response.Write &quot;Thread ID:&quot; & rs(&quot;ThreadID&quot;) before and after the rs.Update line, but it just shows Thread ID: with no number. How can I get the new thread id? [Thanks in advance|Hope I helped you] Exodus300 [pc3]
  9. exodus300

    forum code

    ok i think i fixed it... I changed the rs.Open line to: rs.Open &quot;Posts&quot;, conn Now, back to my original question... after adding the record using the new code above, can I just user rs(&quot;ThreadID&quot;) to get the value in the autonumber field ThreadID? [Thanks in advance|Hope...
  10. exodus300

    forum code

    OK I used rs.AddNew on an existing, working page using the old method. I changed the code to this: <% Set conn = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;) Set rs = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.RecordSet&quot;) conn.Open &quot;DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ=&quot; &...
  11. exodus300

    forum code

    How do I go about using rs.addnew? Is there a demo somewhere I can look at? [Thanks in advance|Hope I helped you] Exodus300 [pc3]
  12. exodus300

    forum code

    like this: sql1 = &quot;INSERT INTO Threads (Title, StartedBy, StartedDate, StartedTime) VALUES ('&quot; & fixTitle & &quot;', '&quot; & _ Session(&quot;UserName&quot;) & &quot;', #&quot; & Date() & &quot;#, #&quot; & Time() & &quot;#)&quot; Set conn =...
  13. exodus300

    forum code

    Hi, I'm trying to make a message forum using ASP. I have two tables in my database: Threads (ThreadID, Title, StartedBy, StartedDate, StartedTime) Posts (PostID, ThreadID, PostedBy, PostedDate, PostedTime, Content) ThreadID (Threads table) and PostID (Posts table) are the primary keys; both...
  14. exodus300

    Operation must use an updeateable query

    Duh, so simple... thanks! [Thanks in advance|Hope I helped you] Exodus300 [pc3]
  15. exodus300

    Operation must use an updeateable query

    Error Type: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005) [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable query. Set conn = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;) conn.Open &quot;DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ=&quot; &...
  16. exodus300

    How to make NET protocol

    I've seen a few resources on the net about the MSN protocol. Perhaps you could look for some of them (I don't know where they are). Each &quot;message&quot; from or to the server basically consists of a three letter code followed by paramaters separated by spaces, eg: CMD 123 param1 param2...
  17. exodus300

    image dragging

    Hmmm haven't been here for a while... I'm playing around with a little proggy that has a kind of board (ie a panel) on which images can be dragged around. I worked out how to create the images at run-time but how do I achieve the dragging them around bit? Thx for ur help. I haven't been here...
  18. exodus300

    Cable Dialer

    OK, I just set the two ME computers to use manual settings (ie not DHCP), the same as I've tried before without success, and now they work fine without the program running. Weird, I couldnt get it to work before on exactly the same settings. Windows IP Configuration Host Name . . . . . . . ...
  19. exodus300

    Cable Dialer

    Update: I am trying to connect three computers. Two of them have Windows ME and the third has Win98 SE. I just plugged in the 98 box and it worked instantly, without running the Bigpond software. This is what I want on the ME machines. Any ideas? [Thanks in advance|Hope I helped you]...
  20. exodus300

    Cable Dialer

    I've been trying to set up a switch and router to share our Telstra Bigpond cable internet connection. I have just managed to get the net working on 2 computers by using the Bigpond Advance software which connects the computer to the internet. But I was under the impression that using a router...

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