Don’t worry about the second NIC on you server, you don’t need it. Your router has (two) port E1 and E0, LAN and WAN. You may have a bunch of LAN ports or only one but they are all going to be configured together. If you have enough for you computers great plug then in if not it...
Has anyone configured a 806 router with a cable modem? I am with the Cogeco ISP and can’t get this thing to work. I have tried to config both with the CRWS and CLI but can’t can a config to go. I can get it so that the router has both ports up and is correctly passing out IP’s on the LAN and...
I have some how FBAR the CRWS on my 806 router. The Documentation says you can download the CRWS for the CCO site that you can extract the six files ConfigExp, CRWS_1, CRWS_2, GUI, HOME & Loading and then TFTP them over. I can’t find this download anywere at the Cisco site but I did find the IOS...
I have some how FBAR the CRWS on my 806 router. The Documentation says you can download the CRWS for the CCO site that you can extract the six files ConfigExp, CRWS_1, CRWS_2, GUI, HOME & Loading and then TFTP them over. I can’t find this download anywere at the Cisco site but I did find the IOS...
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