Thanks for your help. One of our developers figured out what was needed. He writes:<br><br>It turned out to be the background for the embedded object (in this case the swf) which needed to be set to #000000 instead of default (#FFFFFF). I did that to each embedded swf and...
My HTML page has a black background, as does my SWF. However, before the SWF is fully loaded, its stage flashes as a white background. How do I avoid the white flash?
I have a button within a Flash file. When the mouse is over the button, it brightens. When pressed, it darkens. When left alone, it is off white. ...three different graphics. Here's my problem. When I click the button, I want the...
My problem (besides being new to Flash):<br><br>I have eight buttons running in a Flash file in a left frame. The buttons run eight different Flash files in a right frame.<br><br>When the user clicks a button, I want the button's default graphic (mouse out, not mouse over)to...
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