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Search results for query: *

  1. Morningstarr

    Can this Brain puzzle be solved?

    The barcode is an excellent suggestion. Pretty much removes user error. Thanks to everyone for your input!
  2. Morningstarr

    Can this Brain puzzle be solved?

    Actually Mike, Bizarre security issue might cover it. Software converts the Hex string to something smaller and prints it to a journal. Should a system failure occur the user will need to enter what has been journaled from a printed report. Then the software needs to convert it back to hex...
  3. Morningstarr

    Can this Brain puzzle be solved?

    Yes 68 characters would be just as bad as 96. 16 or under would be reasonable, but it seems to me there is no way to get it there. Thanks Tom!
  4. Morningstarr

    Can this Brain puzzle be solved?

    I need to convert a Hex string 96 characters long into something printable that can be read and reentered by a user. (A sentence, short string, a few numbers etc) I must then be able to take the string entered by the user and convert it back to the 96 character Hex string. The conversion...
  5. Morningstarr

    MSDE equivalent of Jet .Seek ?

    Hi James, That's another problem. It is 8 different databases and at the very least 6 tables per. I'm going to try and consolidate this mess into as few stored procedures as possible. There is one table that is called more than 150 times, which I have already written a stored procedure for...
  6. Morningstarr

    MSDE equivalent of Jet .Seek ?

    SonOfEmidec1100 Performance is degraded across the network to the slave when using straight sql statements. James, The stored procedures are probably going to be the way to go but that leaves me with those pesky If Else statements (see previous note) Star for you for query optimizer note...
  7. Morningstarr

    MSDE equivalent of Jet .Seek ?

    Hi Vongrunt, Nah no quick code fix, that's what seeks were. Unfortunately I don't make the decisions. The provider decision has already been made. MSDE is it. I was just trying to find a solution that would work for both Jet and MSDE so I don't have to support both types of statements while...
  8. Morningstarr

    MSDE equivalent of Jet .Seek ?

    vongrunt, I don't understand your answer, what does this mean? >>>Probably because of over 300 places where this construct is used.<<< thx M
  9. Morningstarr

    MSDE equivalent of Jet .Seek ?

    James, Performance from one machine to another I'm told was the reason for the seeks originally. One machine is the server the other(s) is basically a dumb terminal. Pulling entire record sets across the network degraded performance substantially and seek was an easy fix. You do make a good...
  10. Morningstarr

    MSDE equivalent of Jet .Seek ?

    I have a VB6 front end that I am moving from MS Jet 4.0 Access DB to MSDE. Within the project there are over 300 places where I use something to this effect: (Pseudo code) rs.Open "tblCust", gConn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTableDirect rs.Requery rs.index = “lName” rs.seek “Smith”...
  11. Morningstarr

    Your comments will be greatly appreciated.

    Ok granted, that code is SCARY, but remember the old saying "If it ain't broke don't fix it". The application I took over 4 years ago was no where near as bad as what you posted but wasn't good either. We left working code alone, and concentrated on things that were broken. When time...
  12. Morningstarr

    How Dlls Created on VB work on a Network?

    You may need to use the server name instead of a drive letter. Try: \\<server name>\<share name>\GlobalApps\ICA\PointZero.dll to register it.
  13. Morningstarr

    String wide in pixels

    I think this is what you are looking for Dim lWidth As Single lWidth = label1.width
  14. Morningstarr

    Validate user entry as currency

    In the text box keydown event, Pass in the textbox and keycode to the procedure below Ex. call gFormatToCurrency(txtTravel_Total_Cost, keycode) Public Sub gFormatToCurrency(pTextbox As TextBox, pKeycode As Integer) Dim lNum As String Dim lLength As Integer Dim lInput As String...
  15. Morningstarr

    How can I disable a form's Close button

    In the forms properties, you can set the forms control box property to false. The entire control box will not be shown. Not sure if that is the result you want. Dawn
  16. Morningstarr

    Hi, Is there a simpler way to do

    I would also go with SWI's solution. The thought behind my answer was if he was getting the values from someplace or if they change, he could load them into an array. If they are hardcoded then I agree the select case is the best way to go. Dawn
  17. Morningstarr

    Hi, Is there a simpler way to do

    store values in an array like this arrNums(1)= 6 arrNums(2)= 12 arrNums(3) = 17 then use a loop to check them for i = 0 to ubound(arrNums) if intX = arrNums(i) then 'do what you want to do 'exit the for loop end if next i hope this helps Dawn
  18. Morningstarr

    DTS again

    I found the solution, I'll post it here in case someone else ever has the same problem. Thanks again, Dawn 'To Run task 2 and shut off task 1 Function Main() Dim oPkg Dim oStep USPump = &quot;DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1&quot; PRPump = &quot;DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_2&quot; Set...
  19. Morningstarr

    DTS again

    I have a DTS package in SQL Server 7, within the package the steps are: an active x script, SQLServer source, text file destination and three datapump tasks running from source to destination. I want to have the active x script in the begining, stop two of those datapumps from running by...
  20. Morningstarr


    Excellent!! Thank you both

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