I am interested in obtaining/writing a simple script which will populate a table in a database (SQLite or MySQL) with data from a text file. The text file contains several lines of data with many individual values per line.
I thought it would be easy to find scripts on the www I could use as...
I accept full responsibility! Turning this thread into a SQL-101 course I am now having a problem adding additional conditions. The following works:
select depth,
from gbase_020 as T
where temp
= ( select max (temp)
from gbase_020
where depth =...
ok sorry
select depth,
from gbase_020 as T
where temp
= ( select max (temp)
from gbase_020
where depth = T.depth
and temp = T.temp
and press = T.press
and date = T.date)
all depth values in the output are replaced by 0.0. Thanks again.
Thank you r937. Your code worked but didn't produce the results I had hoped for probably because my original post was unclear.
This is what the data table I extract from the database with a simple SQL query looks like:
Depth T°C P(bar) Date
235.7 23.5 11.2 03.04.06...
Hi all; This is an elementary SQL question but with the resources at hand (I am somewhat isolated at the moment)I turn to this forum.
I need to query a database for a series of values e.g.
"select from database column1, column2, column3, for" etc.
Which returns a large set of data. Values from...
OK, now that I have your attention. I want to use an IF statement to evaluate the content of a cell which may be blank or contain a numeric text string. If the cell is blank B1 should preferably be left blank or alternatively contain a zero, if not the content will be multiplied with one to...
Hi All,
Recently my MSWord (Office 2003 on WinXP) got stuck in "save as *.html" mode. If I want to use the "Save As" option Word always assumes I want to "save as *.html" and I have to manually change this to the "*.doc" option. Under Tools -> Options the "Save" tab is set to "*.doc" as the...
Hi all
I´m working on a simple sports-score sheet. The user will enter thing such as goals and penalties during a game and Excel will pull together some stats for a game summary.
I´ve formatted the time column as [mm]:ss with [] preventing roll-over to hours. However when the user enters 07:28...
I have a XP on a LAN consisting of 5 windows/linux boxes a cisco router/switch and an HPUX server.
In cmd line running "netstat - p TCP" gave
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
Proto TCP
Local Address MM:microsoft-ds
Foreign Address...
I recently noticed some unexplained traffic on "Local address" MyMachine:microsoft-ds using netstat -p TCP
The foreign address was a "server" ip nr. in germany (.de:1648 ESTABLISHED)
Being a novice I´m not to sure what to read into this: is it a homephoning tendency in...
Thank you bcastner. I followed your suggestions, but I still have a "service" crashing on startup. I believe it is my Cisco VPN client (and only that one).
Bootvis gives a warning on DISK I/O that Waring Disk write Caching is disabled Both "Disk Write and Read" are however...
I have an IBM A31 Think Pad with XP-pro, which has caused me all kinds of grieve in the first 11 months.
In an attempt to get more out of it I spent easter fiddling with RUN "services.msc" disabling what I thought were unnecessary services.
While the machine booted much faster it also...
I´m using XP pro on a IBM laptop communicating with UNIX (HP) over a LAN. Typically I have a local unix machine and a few remote unix machines mounted as drives under "My Computer." Copying files from the unix machines to XP in Windows Explorer typically is very slow and often fails...
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