do it by setting the innerHTML property of a html element......make your element on the page, something like
<span id="bidnit">Initial Content</span>
then this javascript in the select box:
onChange="document.all["bidnit"].innerHTML =...
onMouseOver=" = '#C0C0C0';'#ff0000';" onMouseOut =" = '#FFFFFF';'#000000';"
(you need the 'style' bit in the scope there, which isn't in yr script) but if you start altering more than one...
You may not think it that helpful, but I'd advise you to make your's not too complex and then you know exactly where the problems (there are always problems) lie. --------------------------------
no, xforms isn't ready will have to send data to your server side scripts in name=value pairs, but you could always reconfigure them there into an xml document --------------------------------
couple of good beginners tutes at devshed -;sz=728x90;tile=1;ord=639665180? --------------------------------
using LIMIT:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM keyit WHERE comment LIKE '%{$_REQUEST['search']}%' order by company LIMIT 10"); --------------------------------
Your error points to a call of the function named start on line 269 & it looks like you put this function call at the end of the html so that it's called after the page is loaded - the function refers to an object that doesn't yet exist. On future page loads the object already exists in cache...
I've found a solution to this at Basically uses setTimeOut to keep giving the pop up focus except when a form field is being edited. Thanks everyone, --------------------------------
Hi there, I'm the guy onpnt was trying to help out and i'm interested in your ideas, just can't make out how to use them! NEVERSLEEP, I need to gather info from the user in my form and it doesn't look like the function you propose would allow that. I thought of setting a boolean when someone...
travmak's function (when enclosed in script tags) should work fine, but I have the same problem as you in keeping a window on top without using showModalDialog and without simply using onBlur="self.focus();".......see my thread thread216-281095 --------------------------------
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