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Search results for query: *

  1. BPhilb

    Converting with LEN

    Worked like a charm. Did having the results closed make all of the difference? Thanks for your assitance with this.
  2. BPhilb

    Converting with LEN

    I have what should be a simple query that has been killing me. I'm trying to convert a string time to group by the hour. I'm able to get the hours 12-23 fine, but the single digit numbers are still coming back as two digit numbers (e.g. 3 shows as 37). Can someone give me some gudience as to...
  3. BPhilb

    Getting '#Deleted' when querying ODBC table

    I've had the problem in the past when the table you are trying to append to sets up a different field type than the ODBC table. It's usually a text to a number field or vice versa where I see the issue.
  4. BPhilb

    Help with VLookup

    Thanks so much guys. That made a lot of sense.
  5. BPhilb

    Help with VLookup

    I'm mostly versed in Access and have not worked with VLookup's until today. I've been very frustrated because it seems simple. The spreadsheet is at work unfortunetly but here's what I'm looking at: Sheet 1 Store Returned Errors % TA TB TC 10 100 10 10 #NUM Sheet...
  6. BPhilb

    Help with VLookup

    If got the following cell: =VLOOKUP(A2&K1,errors,3, FALSE) I'm trying to read to colums (A2 = store number and K1 = Error Code). The worksheet errors has the store number broke down by multiple codes listed vertically and I'm trying to bring them into another worksheet horizontally. I think...
  7. BPhilb

    Help with making a table act faster

  8. BPhilb

    Help with making a table act faster

  9. BPhilb

    Help with making a table act faster

    Is there more information I can give you? I'm not versed well at all in pass through queries. I did find a logical recordset in my tables last night that has helped speed the process up some but it still is taking me much longer than I like.
  10. BPhilb

    Help with making a table act faster

    Thanks MajP. I'm looking through the FAQ's now. There is a ton of cool information here.
  11. BPhilb

    Help with making a table act faster

    Yes..I was running an append query initially and it was taking 30 minutes there. I might just be out of luck because the table is so big and I was hoping that VB might give me a few more options to get through the recordset quicker. I appreciate your time in trying help.
  12. BPhilb

    Help with making a table act faster

    SQL will work also and I'm ok with running it that way, but I'm still having the problem of the program taking almost 30 minutes to run. I'm just seeing if there is anythink I can do to get through the records faster. I know just enough about VB to be dangerous and was wondering if there are...
  13. BPhilb

    Help with making a table act faster

    Hi MajP, Will an update query work since I am working from an ODBC table? Essiently when the program runs I will call this function to wipe out the current table and pull brand new data into the new table.
  14. BPhilb

    Help with making a table act faster

    Hi, I'm having a problem producing a table in a timely fashion and it's an essiential table for a report I am building. I'm pulling records from an ODBC connection and the table I'm pulling from is nearly a million records. I have a very basic code trying to pull the applicable data I need...
  15. BPhilb

    Help Editing a Table

    Hello..It's been a while since I've worked in Access and I'm just getting back into it. I'm having a problem getting information to update back into my table from a form. I can get the first record to work fine but subsequent records seem to get the data but will not update into the table. Any...
  16. BPhilb

    Time Conversion

    Combo, I was converting an integer and your suggestion worked beautifully. Thanks so much for you help. Brad
  17. BPhilb

    Time Conversion

    I'm stumped and not sure why this is happening. I have a time field from an AS400 table which comes in the format of 80000 for 8:00 a.m. and 130000 for 1:00 p.m.. I'm trying to do a simple conversion to make these numbers appears as a time. I have a function that should handle the conversion and...
  18. BPhilb

    Sorting through millions of records

    Thanks for your input here guys. Our company recently obtained an SQL server but it's goign to be a while before I will have access to using it. I do like jo's idea of pulling out the month that I am looking for and running against it. I will try that it see if that helps speed up the process...
  19. BPhilb

    Sorting through millions of records

    I'm running a query in which I'm pulling data of an AS400 system. The table I'm pulling from has probably about 5 million records in it dateing back to early September. I've been running an append query that took about 4 to 5 minutes to update everyday but has now gotten to the point where it's...
  20. BPhilb

    Pausing Code until Table closes

    Darryless, I never thought about running it that way. That will be perfect. I am writing a program in which users scan books as part of a quality check as opposed to counting them by hand. It's a small step on there part but will give me exactly what I need. I'm actually going to write a form...

Part and Inventory Search
