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Search results for query: *


    Datagrid two line caption

    No, it's not possible.

    Find method from two criteria

    You cannot use multiple fields with the Find method. You will need to use the Filter method, best when used with a recordset clone and then setting the bookmark of the original recordset to the bookmark of the cloned recordset.

    Set Data Control to Recordset

    Well, you haven't opened ADORs yet. Where is the open code for this?

    Delete option is not working

    Then you are going to have to post the code which you are using. The code you posted above is NOT the exact code you are using. In addition, you are going to have to answer my question.

    Set Data Control to Recordset

    >Set Adodc1.Recordset = ADORs This is the correct syntax. But, depending on the DMBS you are using, could it be that that DBMS doesn't support (automatically) the IRowsetIdentity property with a server side cursor, such as with a JET MDB? If not, then you will need to code it to do so...

    debug the program

    You can also hover over the string and see the current value, or click into the Immediate/Debug/Immediate window (VIEW|IMMEDIATE WINDOW) and copy the variable name there as: ?s_str and with the cursor at the end of the string name, hit ENTER.

    DoCmd OutputTo Appending?

    dandough, This is the " Visual Basic(Microsoft) Databases Forum" and not the DBMS Package-Application forum702 for MS ACCESS. Please post your question there.

    Query a Recordset

    You can create a recordset clone so that the original recordset doesn't also get filtered: Dim rsClone As ADODB.Recordset Set rsClone = rslimit.Clone rsClone.Filter = "IngredientID = 19"

    Delete option is not working

    Is the DataSource for the DataGrid set to rsDelete? Use the DataSource which the DataGrid is bound to: (Replace the below rsData recordset object with the name of the recordset object the grid is bound to, or the name of the Adodc data control's recordset - Adodc1.Recordset) Set...
  10. CCLINT

    Changing a character on KeyPress event

    Easier, and international friendly (different decimal and thousand separators), would be to just use: IsNumeric(Text1.Text & "0") in the change event, and then IsNumeric(Text1.Text) in the validate event...
  11. CCLINT

    Detecting Caps Lock/Num Lock/Scroll Lock

    You can use an API, or use an ocx called KEYSTA32 which was shipped with VS VB6. You will find it under: \Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Tools\CONTROLS\KEYSTA32.ocx Set a reference to this (PROJECT|COMPONENTS). It will not be listed in the components list, so you need to click the search...
  12. CCLINT

    I am trying to update a field value

    vsa, is this an AutoNumber field? If so, then you cannot just update it.
  13. CCLINT

    Access Err "Couldn't open ..File Path..File already in use?

    Two things: 1. Post the Set bd = xxx.OpenDatabase(xxx) code 2. I cannot tell from the code you have posted if rs1 is being used to open 3 different recordsets with-out closing rs1 prior to setting it to nothing.
  14. CCLINT

    Access Err "Couldn't open ..File Path..File already in use?

    You are going to have to identify at what times in what situations the db is locking. This may be happening when you are doing some certain db operation such as compacting or reparing in code, changing the table and field properties in code, opening the recordset for pessimistic locking and...
  15. CCLINT

    Excel Like Grid Control...

    There is a FAQ on this (FlexGrid Edit control) with an example.
  16. CCLINT

    Error when user clears TextBox

    And if someone enters a minus or dot and there are no other characters? You can check the input using: Private Sub Text1_Change() Static bCancel As Boolean If bCancel Then Exit Sub If IsNumeric(Text1.Text) Then 'Do the calculations ElseIf Not IsNumeric(Text1.Text &...
  17. CCLINT

    Storing a datagrid record to Textboxes.

    txtFName.Text = Adodc1.Recordset.Fields("FName").Value
  18. CCLINT

    Connecting a textbox to a data field at run time using code

    Data2.Refresh Data2.Recordset.AddNew Data3.Refresh temp = (CInt(txtBssRef)) 'Or: 'temp = (CInt(Data3.Recordset.Fields(txtBssRef.DataField).Value)) 'Not sure about this line. If I understand correctly, then it would be better to do a cancel: Data3.Refresh...
  19. CCLINT

    Connecting a textbox to a data field at run time using code

    >Thanks for the reply that works but not for what I want to do. [mad] Well, that's exactly what you asked for... Stick the value you want to retain into a variable
  20. CCLINT

    Locale confusion


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