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Search results for query: *

  • Users: vmon
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  1. vmon

    Form filter not refreshing

    I have a Mainform and Subform. The subform is driven by 2 combo boxes that filter records in subform. If I right clik in the subform and "filter for" a value then try to use the combo boxes to filter the combo's do not work. I have to use one filter method or the other. Is there a way to use...
  2. vmon

    Insert multiple records without loop

    I have a tblA.Id, tblA.Tot and I want to insert records into tblB without using a FOR or WHILE and fetch. Can this be done? The number of inserted records for each Id should equal the tblA.Tot. For example. tblA Id Tot 1 2 2 3 tblB Id 1 1 2 2 2 Thanks, vmon
  3. vmon

    Select where cboValue or all if null

    Very good ESquared! Prior responses questioned my ISNULL versus IS NULL. I have read up on both now. Thanks again. vmon
  4. vmon

    Select where cboValue or all if null

    How do I select records using a passed parameter that may have a valid value or be null. If it is null then I want to select all records. This is what I tried without sucess. Thanks, vmon SELECT * FROM tblItem WHERE tblItem.LocId = ISNULL(@cboLocId, %)
  5. vmon

    Runtime with ADP / ADE

    Can I run an adp or ade with Access Runtime? There seems to be some confusion on this. What are my options? vmon
  6. vmon

    Right click filter with subtotal not working

    I am using Access 2002 in an ADP. I have a subtotaled column in a datasheet that is displayed on the mainform. If I filter subform using combo boxes on mainform the sutotal updates correctly. When I right click and filter by selection the subtotal is not being updated. What am I doing wrong...
  7. vmon

    Calculated value updated on right click filter

    I tried that. I have tried the onfilter event, recalc objects, repaint object. Nothing is "re-summing" the filtered records.
  8. vmon

    Calculated value updated on right click filter

    I have a sum calculated on a main form that is set from a text box in the footer of a subform. I have trained people using forms to use the right click and filter by selection for narrowing records in a datasheet. Problem is the calcualated value on main form is not being updated with the sum...
  9. vmon

    Search combo values

    I want to search a combo box list of values for a specific value. Something like: For I = 1 to X cboMarkId(I) = "YOU FOUND IT". Next I I can't find the right syntax to get this done. Thanks, vmon
  10. vmon

    Links Foxpro tables dropped

    I get ODBC -- Call Failed. [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver] Error Reading File. (#104). The linked table connections work for a while and then just stop with the message above. Help, vmon
  11. vmon

    Exporting text without double quotes

    I am creating a text file (csv) and writing text to the file. Is there a way to export text without having my data enclosed in double quotes? Here is what I am trying. Open "c:\john.txt" For Output As #1 Write #1, Trim(rstExport.Fields("RecTyp"), _...
  12. vmon

    Load all values EXCEPT to cbo

    I use the following code to load a combo box, which is a column on a subform datasheet, with the reports in my DB. It works great but I want to limit the values in the combo box to reports that have not been used as a report name for records already in the subform. Any ideas on how I might do...
  13. vmon

    How would this SQL look??

    I need some direction on how to set this SQL up. I have a temporary table for a report. The table has three columns and for example two records, there will actually a lot more. I want to insert a new record with a calculated difference between the amount the two records for a specific...
  14. vmon

    Help with SQL syntax

    I want to update a flag on all records in a table based on the MAX(DateCalc). Seems like I have something wrong. I am not sure if I should be using the WHERE EXISTS. Key to table is ID and DateCalc. Some guidance would be appreciated. Thanks, vmon UPDATE tblDos_History SET...
  15. vmon

    Stuck on query

    I am open for suggestions. I will give that a try. What I am doing is this. I only want records from C that have not been used in B for a specific A.Key1. In other words I want to know what C records I have available that I can create a B record for. The actual data is Groups M:M Members...
  16. vmon

    List source from parameterized procedure

    I have the stored procedure working. Problem now is the list box is not refreshing. I base the listbox content on an OnCurrent event of a subform. If I set row source to "" and recalc I going into endless loop. How do I get around that? thanks, vmon
  17. vmon

    Stuck on query

    I have three tables A, B, and C. Columns are Key1, Key1+Key2, and Key2 respectively. I want all C records that are not in B for A.Key1 = 'X' only. I am somewhat close but no cigar yet. Here is what I have so far. SELECT C.Key2 FROM C LEFT OUTER JOIN B ON C.Key2 = B.Key2 WHERE (NOT EXISTS...
  18. vmon

    List source from parameterized procedure

    Bullsandbears123, I tried using SQL. Same resutl. I am not sure if this matters but the parameter is a uniqueidentifier dattype in SQL Server, aka GUID in Access. I think this might be part of my problem. Any other suggestions. vmon
  19. vmon

    List source from parameterized procedure

    I am trying to load a list box using a parameterized stored procedure with no luck at all. The procedure runs fine but rows are not loaded into list box. My statement looks like this. Forms!frmEmailMaint!lstReports.RowSource = "EXEC procEmailMaintReportListBox '" & (Me.ID_Group) &...
  20. vmon

    New to T-SQL Conditional calcualtion

    How would I do something like this in a T-SQL statement? I have only done a little SQL and it was in Access. I want to update a column in a temporary table called BegBalance to AmountSent if PreviousCollected is Null otherwise calcualte it as [Amount_Sent]-[PreviousCollected]-[PreviousAdjusted]...

Part and Inventory Search
