the only way you can check is by checking the ascii value of the first character of the column
ex : column name ename table emp
select ename from emp
where ascii(substr(ename,1,1)) between 97 and 122;
Hope this help to solve your issue
Oracle and Developer should be installed on different directories.,
If you are using the connect string then
check for TNS_ADMIN string in the registry where its looking for the tnsnames.ora config file and make sure
the connect string exists in the file.,
what terminal type you are using while running runinstaller
It should be set to xterm, export TERM=xterm
It the TERM is set to xterm and still you have problem
then you might have to set the ORA_NLS33 parameter to
Hope this will solve your issue
You can keep a month data and delete the old ones.,
Trace files are only useful when something goes wrong like system crash which wont happen freqently.,
If its unix platform you can run a cron job to do this in an automated fashion.,
Hope this helps you.
Have you started the listener through services.,
Everytime you start the database you have to start the listener.,
Let me know the exact error with error no, so i can help you
after adding an entry in listener, have you stopped and started the listener, if not do it, it solves your issue.,
If not, check the connect_string is same as the entry in tnsnames.ora
select x,x,x,
to_char(decode(trans_ukey1, 'HOME', rate1, trans_ukey1))
from x
as per my knowledge the rate1 column or trans_ukey1 conlumn
must have a value of lengrh 40, thats why the col is created with 40.
Try inserting a value of 233 length in rate1 column or trans_ukey1 column...
Oracle 8i personal edition is good to practise in home.,
Oracle 8i enterprise edition needs more memory and diskspace
Try increasing your memory which will solve the issue
Is oracle running before you connect using sql*plus
Here is my question
select column_name from dba_tab_columns
where table_name = 'EMP';
Is there a way to get the above output in a single line
ename empno salary mgr
Thankz in advance
Try this
in sqlplus do
set heading off
set feedback off
set pagesize 0
spool alter_view
select 'alter view ', view_name, ' compile',';'
from user_views;
spool off
do the same for user_triggers
Rollback segment hold uncommited data, for further rollback
Redo logs has commited and uncommited transaction.,
Once you issue a commit, rollback segment for that transaction is removed and ready to hold data for next transaction
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