i have a problem i have a home page with 2 frames "top" and "content_frame", i want that links of the frame "top" will be opened in the second frame ("content_frame"), this happen in IE while NS 6 open a new page for links... i used the tag <BASE...
It's possible to include a Background image inside a cell of a table in NS4?
i need it, because i have an image with a width of 1 pixel and i want to repeat the image for the width of the cell...
no... doesn't work... but tnx anyway...
My problem is a bit different i need to change not only the bg of that TD, i need to change other 4 TD related... i try to explain with an example:
______ ______ ______ ______
| LINK 1 | LINK 2 | LINK 3| LINK 4|...
I need to change the bgimage applied to a <TD> when i click on a link inside the cell... is that possible?
| |
| LINK <-|--- Bgimage
I solved the problem in IE4+ and NS6...
Thank you very much Welshguy...
Try the link... it's a trial 30 days full version of FAZAM 2000 and it work fine!
-----welshguy (TechnicalUser) Wrote:
You should try and keep user and computer settings in seperate policies IMHO (and disable the unused portion).
That's the solution...
Thank you very much to greg013 and welshguy!
Regards :D
Hi Greg013,
Thanks for your attention, but now we try to explain better our problem.
This is our configuration's tree:
|_ Main_OU <- The Computer "X" is here
|_OU_1a <- The User "A" is here
| |_OU_2a <-...
we are trying to apply computers and users’ policies in W2K active directory.
We partially succeeded in such task, but only for what concern the user's policies when the computer is in the active directory computer folder.
When we move the machine from the computer folder to an OU, in...
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